Releases a lock set by the station in a previous Lock statement. A table or row can only be locked again (by another user, for example) after the UnLock statement has been issued.
UnLock [table_var | All | Cursor cursor_var] [,key [,locktype]] Then | Else statements
The UnLock statement accepts arguments for the following parameters.
Parameter | Description |
table_var | Refers to a table variable that has been locked in a previous Lock statement. |
cursor_var | Contains a cursor variable. Cursor variables are initialized with a Select...By statement. |
key | If a row is to be unlocked, key specifies which row within a table is to be unlocked. To unlock a previously locked table, pass a null in key. To UnLock all locks previously set by this workstation during the current logon session, use the UnLock All statement. |
locktype | Specifies the type of unlocking that is to take place. A locktype can be passed as a mnemonic code (not a literal) or as a two-digit code. For details on the possible values for locktype, refer to the Lock statement. Note: The code n0 is used to indicate an UnLock All. |
Then | The statement(s) following Then are executed if the file or record is unlocked successfully. |
Else | The statement(s) following Else are executed if the file or record cannot be unlocked. The Status() function indicates the severity of the error, and the system variable @FILE_ERROR contains details about the nature of the error. |
Use UnLock to release each lock. Logging off the system will release all locks.
See also
/* The following function fragment locks a record, then reads it, does some unspecified processing, and then unlocks the record, before concluding. */ Equate TRUE$ To 1 Equate FALSE$ To 0 table = "SAMPLE_CUSTOMERS" key = 8 status = "" Open table To tablevar Then Locked = FALSE$ Loop Lock tablevar, key Then locked = TRUE$ End Else /* set up delay for network server access */ For ctr = 1 To 1000 Next End Until Locked Repeat * we're locked, now read Read @RECORD From tablevar,key Then /* do record processing here */ End * now, unlock the record we've written back UnLock tablevar,key Else * error processing here End ;* successfully unlocked End Else ;* table fails to open status = Set_FSError() End ;* table taken care of Return status