
Executes a Connection Object method; the Connection Object is specified by the passed handle.


flag = XOMethod (hXO, method, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)


The XOMethod function has the following parameters:

HXOHandle to the Connection Object.
MethodSee methods below.
arg1...arg5Method specific; see methods below.
XO_COMMITTRAN$commits the current transaction for the specified Connection Object.

hXO [in] Connection Object handle (or 0 to get API-level errors like for XOCreate() which doesn't have an hXO).

Error returned if commit fails.

XO_DESTROY$releases a Connection Object handle; if the handle is shared, it decrements the reference count without actually closing the connection so that the sharing processes do not lose their connection.

hXO [in] Connection Object handle

Error returned for an invalid handle or if an error occurred destroying the Connection Object.


retrieves all pending Connection Object errors from the DS/XO API.

hXO [in]Connection Object handle (or 0 to get API-level errors like for XOCreate() which doesn't have an hXO).
arg1 [out]Local error list (@VM-delimited).
arg2 [out]Local severity list.
arg3 [out]Native error list.
arg4 [out]Native severity list.
arg5 [out]Error text list.

Error returned if no errors were pending.

XO_ROLLBACKTRAN$rolls back the current transaction for the specified Connection Object.

hXO [in] Connection Object handle.

Error returned if rollback fails.


translates the bit-masked flag returned from the DS/XO API into TRUE$ for success and FALSE$ for failure; success includes both success and success with information (meaning possible pending messages) and failure includes an error (meaning possible pending messages), an invalid handle, and no more data.

arg1 [in]The flag value returned from the DS/XO API

Error returned if the DS/XO API flag value didn't correspond to success.


TRUE$ for success or FALSE$ for failure.

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