
Requests a specific action from a form or control.


response = Send_Message (controlID, message, param1, param2, param3, param4)


controlID is the fully qualified name of the form or control.

Choose a message from the following list:

The text to display in the status line or System MonitorText
Edit Table Column StylesThis is a listing of the various styles that can be set within an edit table column.
CLEARDRAGDATAThis message removes all data from the drag source data object. This can be used during a DRAGSTART event to cancel the drag.
COLCHARSNumber of characters in an edit table column.
COLDROPDOWNLISTSets or retrieves the Drop Down list used within an edit table's COLUMN, a ROW, or a particular CELL.
COLLABELLabel of the specified edit table column.
COLOR_BY_POSSet the background color, foreground color, selected background color, and/or selected foreground color, for a specified cell in an edit table.
COLSTYLEStyles, of edit table columns.
COLWIDTHWidths of edit table columns.
COPYCopies the current selection from an edit control or combo box to the clipboard.
CUTDeletes (cuts) the current selection from an edit control or combo box and copies the deleted text to the clipboard.
DELETEDeletes a row in a Combo box, edit table, and list box.
DELETE_EXDeletes an item from a visible or non-visible part of a (hierarchical) list.
DELETECOLDelete an edit table column.
DROPDOWNLIST_BY_POSSets or retrieves the Drop Down list used within an edit table's COLUMN, a ROW, or a particular CELL.
EXPANDExpands or collapses hierarchical list box.
FINDTEXTUsed to search for text within an edit box control.
FONT_BY_POSFont for text of specified item.
FORCEKEYDISPATCHThe FORCEKEYDISPATCH message will force the OpenInsight Presentation Server to handle an individual keystroke regardless of the OCX translation.
GETDRAGDATAThis message is used to extract data of a specified format from a dragged data object.
GETCHARFORMATUsed to retrieve selected text’s character format within an edit box control.
INSERTInsert new row or rows into list box, edit table, etc.
INSERT_EXInsert new item or items into a visible or non-visible part of a (hierarchical) list.
INSERTCOLInserts column into an edit table.
MDICASCADEArranges MDI child windows in cascaded format.
MDIICONARRANGEArranges minimized MDI child windows.
MDITILEArranges MDI child windows in tiled format.
MOVE_ROWMoves rows within an edit table control.
PASTEInserts data from the clipboard at the current cursor position.
POS_BY_CURSORDetermines the cell, within an edit table, that the mouse cursor is over.
POS_BY_CLIENT_CURSORDetermines the cell that the mouse cursor is over.
POS_BY_TEXTPosition of a list item.
QUALIFY_EVENTEnable or disable events for specified control.
REMOVEDRAGDATAThis message is used to remove the specified data format from the dragged data.
RESETZORDERUsed to ensure that controls are placed properly into the Z order when created.
ROWHEIGHTSet or retrieve the height of all rows in an edit table control.
SCROLLScroll a window.
SELPOS_EX_BY_POSPosition of a non-visible list item in a hierarchical list.
SETCHARFORMATUsed to set selected text’s character format within an edit box control.
SETDRAGBITMAPThis message sets the bitmap used by the system when dragging data from the drag source.
SETDRAGDATAThis message is used to set the data for a dragged data object.
SET_ZORDERAllows the z-order position of a control to be set programmatically.
STYLE_BY_POSSets or retrieves the style of a COLUMN, a ROW, or a particular CELL within an edit table.
SUPPRESSKEYTRANSLATEThis message provides for NOACCELTRANSLATION property functionality for specific keystrokes within an OLE/OCX control.
TEXT_BY_POSText of a list item.
UNDOUndoes the previous operation.
UPDATEUpdates the image of an item in a list box with bitmaps.
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1 Comment

  1. Don Bakke

    Send_Message seems to require every defined argument to be populated (even if you just pass in an empty string) in order to work.