Set the background color, foreground color, selected background color, and/or selected foreground color, for a specified cell in an edit table.
Applies to
Edit table.
text = Send_Message(controlID, "COLOR_BY_POS", column, row, color_array)
For COLOR_BY_POS, the Send_Message function has the following parameters.
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||
column, row | When column and row are both positive, applies the color to the cell; when column is positive and row is 0, applies the color to the entire column; when column is 0 and row is positive applies the color to the entire row. | ||||||||||
color_array | A field mark delimited array for setting the background color, foreground color, background color if selected, and foreground color if selected. The colors are set as follows:
Note: When setting the color for column and row headings the text color is set. An array is not used to set the color in a column or row header. To set the color in a column or row heading just a single value is passed. |
See also
COLORS $Insert record, FONT_BY_POS message, TEXT_BY_POS message, STYLE_BY_POS message
/* Set background color to yellow, foreground color to black, background color if cell is selected to green, and foreground color if cell is selected to red */ $insert colors Declare function Send_Message Back_color = YELLOW$ Fore_color = BLACK$ Back_sel_color = GREEN$ Fore_sel_color = RED$ /* Set row 1, column 2 to desired color scheme */ rv = Send_Message(@Window:".TABLE_1", "COLOR_BY_POS", 2, 1, Back_color:@FM:Fore_color:@FM:Back_sel_color:@FM:Fore_sel_color) /* Set all cells in column 2 to desired color scheme */ rv = Send_Message(@Window:".TABLE_1", "COLOR_BY_POS", 2, 0, Back_color:@FM:Fore_color:@FM:Back_sel_color:@FM:Fore_sel_color) /* Set all cells in row 7 to desired color scheme */ rv = Send_Message(@Window:".TABLE_1", "COLOR_BY_POS", 0, 7, Back_color:@FM:Fore_color:@FM:Back_sel_color:@FM:Fore_sel_color) /* Set the color of the text for the first column header */ hdr_color = RED$ rv = Send_Message(@window:".TABLE_1","COLOR_BY_POS",1,-1,hdr_color) /* Set the color of the text for the third row header */ hdr_color = GREEN$ rv = Send_Message(@window:".TABLE_1","COLOR_BY_POS",-1,3,hdr_color)