This is a listing of the various styles that can be set within an edit table column. These styles may also be used for edit table rows and cells, however not all are supported on the row and cell level. To set the styles a combination of Send_Message and bit manipulation needs to occur. Examples of the use of the Edit Table Columns can be found in the STYLE_BY_POS message topic.
Style | Hex Value | Description |
DTCS_LEFT$ | 0x00000000 | Left-aligned columns, rows and cells |
DTCS_HEADLEFT$ | 0x00000000 | Left-aligned column headers |
DTCS_RESIZE$ | 0x00000001 | Resize columns. For use with COLSTYLE message, only. |
DTCS_FIXED$ | 0x00000002 | Set the column width to be fixed. |
DTCS_EDIT$ | 0x00000004 | Allow editing within a column. |
DTCS_PROTECT$ | 0x00000008 | Protect a column, row or cell. |
DTCS_UPPERCASE$ | 0x00000010 | Data typed within a column, row or cell will be rendered in uppercase. |
DTCS_HIDDEN$ | 0x00000020 | Hide a column. |
DTCS_CENTER$ | 0x00000040 | Center-aligned columns, rows and cells |
DTCS_RIGHT$ | 0x00000080 | Right-aligned columns, rows and cells |
DTCS_HEADCENTER$ | 0x00000100 | Center-aling column headers. |
DTCS_HEADRIGHT$ | 0x00000200 | Right-align column headers. |
DTCS_VSCROLL$ | 0x00000400 | Vertical Scroll bar for Multiline cells. |
DTCS_HSCROLL$ | 0x00000800 | Horizontal Scroll bar for Multiline cells. |
DTCS_SKIPPED$ | 0x00001000 | Set a column to be skipped when navigating through an edit table. |
DTCS_LOCKED$ | 0x00002000 | Set a Locked position on an edit tabe. |
DTCS_SORTASC$ | 0x00004000 | Sort Ascending on a column. |
DTCS_SORTDES$ | 0x00008000 | Sort Descending on a column. |
DTCS_CHECKBOX$ | 0x00010000 | Create a check box within a column, row or cell. |
DTCS_DROPDOWN$ | 0x00020000 | Create a drop down list box within a column, row or cell. Data entry is not allowed with drop-down list boxes. |
DTCS_MULTILINEHEAD$ | 0x00040000 | Create multiline headers within columns. |
DTCS_CHECKBOXRIGHT$ | 0x00080000 | Create a right aligned checkbox. Requires the use of DTCS_CHECKBOX$. |
DTCS_VALIGNCENTER$ | 0x00100000 | Vertically center align data within columns, rows and cells. |
DTCS_VALIGNBOTTOM$ | 0x00200000 | Vertically bottom align data within columns, rows and cells. |
DTCS_DROPDOWNEDIT$ | 0x00400000 | Create a drop down within a column, row or cell. The drop down created is a Drop Down style Combo Box, which allows for the entering of data not in the drop down list. |
DTCS_OPTIONSBUTTON$ | 0x00800000 | Create a button within edit table cells. When the button is clicked the table's OPTIONS event is raised. |
DTCS_ENABLEDROPDOWNDRAG$ | 0x01000000 | Enables dragging within a Drop Down column. |
DTCS_MULTILINE$ | 0x02000000 | Create multiline cells individually or within a column or row. |
DTCS_AUTOVSCROLL$ | 0x04000000 | Vertical auto scroll for Multiline cells. |
DTCS_AUTOHSCROLL$ | 0x08000000 | Horizontal auto scroll for Multiline cells. |
DTCS_ENABLEDRAG$ | 0x10000000 | Enables dragging from a cel.l |
DTCS_ENABLEDROP$ | 0x20000000 | Enables dropping into a cell. |
DTCS_CHECKBOXCENTER$ | 0x40000000 | Centers a checkbox within a cell/column. Requires the use of DTCS_CHECKBOX$ without text. |
DTCS_RESERVED$ | 0x80000000 | Reserved |
Refer to the RTI_Style_Equates $Insert record for additional styles unrelated to the Edit Table Columns.