
This function will create a guaranteed unique identifier.


retval = RTI_CreateGUID()


A unique identifier.


The RTI_CreateGUID function is a front-end for the CoCreateGuid API call in the OLE32.dll. MSDN Link.


* The following example will create 3 unique identifiers.
Declare function RTI_CreateGUID
id1 = RTI_CreateGUID()
id2 = RTI_CreateGUID()
id3 = RTI_CreateGUID()

RTI_HASHTABLE2 - Rewritten in Jasvascript instead of .NEt hashtable. Better implementation of Keys method. In memory hashtable. Useful full for caching information used by one engine

RTI_CRYPTO New function. A wrapper for RTI_MD5, RTI_SHA1. It implements Cryptographic functions from

Read that site to see the code and examples of usage. The scripts are implemented verbatim OI without change and without need to access external webserver.

Usage: RTI_CRYPTO - rti_crypto(method, param1,param2,param3)

ans = RTI_CRYPTO( 'hex_md5', string )

ans = RTI_CRYPTO( 'b64_md5', string )

ans = RTI_CRYPTO( 'str_md5', string )

ans = RTI_CRYPTO( 'hex_hmac_md5', key, data )

ans = RTI_CRYPTO( 'b64_hmac_md5', key, data )

ans = RTI_CRYPTO( 'str_hmac_md5', key, data )

ans = RTI_CRYPTO( 'hex_sha1', string )

ans = RTI_CRYPTO( 'b64_sha1', string )

ans = RTI_CRYPTO( 'str_sha1', string )

ans = RTI_CRYPTO( 'any_sha1', s, e )

ans = RTI_CRYPTO( 'hex_hmac_sha1', key, data )

ans = RTI_CRYPTO( 'b64_hmac_sha1', key, data )

ans = RTI_CRYPTO( 'any_hmac_sha1', key, data, e)

ans = RTI_CRYPTO( 'str_hmac_sha1', key, data )

RTI_JSON - Improved functionality / stability. Many thanks to Jensen Thomassen for his inputon this.

RTI_SET_DEBUGGER - Can now toggle debugging on fly, so can debug a CTO session or Arev32 session using OI debugger.

call RTI_SETDEBUGGER(0, ) mode=0 to disable, call RTI_SETDEBUGGER(1, ) to break, call RTI_SETDEBUGGER(2, procedurename) to intercept using the specified procedure

DSBFS_GET_IDENTITY - Can obtain the key created after an inserting a row into a table with an identity key

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1 Comment

  1. Don Bakke

    For some reason the information below the Example block is unrelated to the RTI_CreateGUID function. It clearly belong under another one or more articles. Based on a couple of posts in the Revelation WORKS discussion forum (here and here), this function accepts an argument to format the GUID differently. Thus, based on the information available, here's how the syntax should appear:

    retval = RTI_CreateGUID(outFormat)

    outFormat Value

    Empty32-character GUID6651FE58A620465C86783FB3C9688139

    Microsoft version of the canonical format:


    BBase64 encoded GUIDZjjJZE4X1ESKdlG9FDTMPA__