The ContextMenu function creates and executes Context Menus. A Context Menu is a right mouse click menu specific to a control.
status = ContextMenu ( CtrlEntId, Message, Override, , , ,CtrlOverride)
The ContextMenu function has the following parameters.
Parameter | Description |
CtrlEntId | Has the format WindowName.ControlName, where WindowName is the identifier of the window that contains the affected control, and ControlName is the identifier of the control. Notice that a period separates the two values. |
Message | This parameter must be "CREATEMENU". This will create the menu for the affected control. This function should be used during either the window's CREATE event or the control's GOTFOCUS event. |
Override | (Optional) An @fm-delimited record containing the specification for the menu. If null, the function will create the menu for the control from the SYSREPOSMENUCONTEXT repository record. The repository record is created through the ContextMenu Builder within the User Interface Workspace tool. |
param2 | Reserved. |
param3 | Reserved. |
param4 | Reserved. |
CtrlOverride | (Optional) Control Override. When valued with a fully qualified control name, the menu created for the CtrlEntId will be the same as the CtrlOverride control's menu. |
- The right-click on a control does not generate the GOTFOCUS event for a control.
- The CREATEMENU message will create the menu for the control from the SYSREPOSMENUCONTEXT repository record. The repository record is created through the ContextMenu Builder within the User Interface Workspace tool.
- When referencing the current control within source code, the SYSTEM properties will return null values, you will need to use the WINDOW properties. For example, suppose your menu item executes a stored procedure. If you needed to know which control has focus, then use Get_Property(@window,"FOCUS") rather than Get_Property("SYSTEM","FOCUS").
- Using the CtrlOverride allows you to create a single menu in the ContextMenu Builder and then place this menu on more than one control.
GOTFOCUS Event Example
* Create a context menu on the GOTFOCUS event of the State control on the CUST_ENTRY form. * (The CUST_ENTRY form can be found in the Examples application.) declare function ContextMenu status = ContextMenu( CtrlEntId, "CREATEMENU" )
CREATE Event Example
* Create ContextMenus for all controls on the CREATE event of a form. declare function ContextMenu ctrlmap = Get_Property( CtrlEntId, "CTRLMAP" ) ctrlPos = 0 ctrlFlag = "" loop remove thisControl from ctrlmap at ctrlPos setting ctrlFlag ctrlType = Get_Property( thisControl, "TYPE" ) cMenu = ContextMenu( thisControl, "CREATEMENU" ) while ctrlFlag repeat
Using Another Control's Menu Example
To create a menu from a different control: status = ContextMenu(CtrlEntId,'CREATEMENU','','','','','CUSTOMERS.NAME')
Modify and Creating Context Menus Programmatically
An existing Context Menu may be programmatically modified for current use. Call the ContextMenu using the CREATEMENU message and a Menu Structure parameter.
The Menu Structure parameter contains the same layout as the SYSREPOSMENUCONTEXT record. To override an existing menu pass in the fields that need to be overridden. To create a menu pass in a fully defined record. Menus changed or created programmatically are not saved to the repository. They are saved to the SYSREPOSMENUCONTEXT with a key of TEMP_CONTEXTMENU_STATION where STATION is the station id of the user.
The key to the SYSREPOSMENUCONTEXT record has a format of: Application name**Form name*Control name
The layout of the record is as follows:
Field Position | Name | Description | ||||||
1 | Menu Text | An @vm-delimited array of strings to be displayed on the menu. | ||||||
2 | Item ID | The same @vm-delimited array of strings in the Menu Text parameter. | ||||||
3 | Null | Reserved | ||||||
4 | Null | Reserved | ||||||
5 | Event Type | An @vm-delimited array of single character type values.
| ||||||
6 | Event Name | An @vm-delimited array of Event Type dependent values.
| ||||||
7 | Event Message | An @vm-delimited array of Event Type dependent values.
| ||||||
8 | Event Parameters | An @vm-delimited array y parameters that need to be sent to the entity or control event. | ||||||
9 | Disabled Flags | An @vm-delimited array of Boolean values. If true values are passed then the corresponding menu items are disabled. | ||||||
10 | Checked Flags | An @vm-delimited array of Boolean values. If true values are passed then the corresponding menu items are marked as checked. | ||||||
11 | Hidden Flags | An @vm-delimited array of Boolean values. If true values are passed then the corresponding menu items are not visible. | ||||||
12 | Bitmaps | An @vm-delimited array of repository BMP entities to be used as the left side image for the corresponding menu items. |