
This function provides methods for accessing variable data within a Debugger Intercept routine.


variableData = Debugger_Fetchmethod, [arg1, arg2] )


The function has the following parameters:

methodThe Debugger_Fetch function accepts various methods to access variables and their contents when OpenInsight has a Debugger Intercept routine in use.

Note: The Debugger Intercept is set in the Environment Settings. To access the Environment Settings, select Environemnt Setting menu option from the Database menu in the Database Manager. In the Debugger Settings group, Intercept should be selected in the radio options and a stored procedure should be selected as an Intercept Routine. The Intercept Routine defines which stored procedure should execute when an unhandled error condition is encountered.

arg1Dependent upon the method.
arg2Dependent upon the method.
arg3Dependent upon the method.


An @fm-delimited list of data. The data returned is dependent upon the method.


The Methods and their return values are only accessible when in Debugger Intercept mode.

See also

Debugger Intercept functionality.

DEBUGGER_DUMP is a SYSPROG subroutine containing sample code for using the Debugger_Fetch() routine. The source code is published below.

Method/Argument/Return Value Chart

Methodarg1arg2arg3Return ValueNote
LISTLOCALn/an/an/aAn @fm-delimited list of @vm-delimited variable names and types and subcripts.If the variable is a dimensioned array, the subscripts are returned as an @svm-delimited array.
LISTLABELLEDn/an/an/aAn @fm-delimited list of @vm-delimited Labelled Commons, variable names, types and subscripts.If the variable is a dimensioned array, the subscripts are returned as an @svm-delimited array.
LISTCOMMONn/an/an/aAn @fm-delimited list of @vm-delimited Labelled Commons, variable names, types and subscripts.This type is not seen in OpenInsight and is mentioned due to AREV32.
GETLOCALVariable Name or Position[Row Number][Column Number]The value of the variable.If the variable is a Dimensioned Array, Row Number and Column Number wil retrieve the data from specific positions within in the array.
GETLABELLEDLabel NameVariable Name or Positionn/aThe value of the variable within the COMMON. 
GETCOMMONCommon NameVariable Name or Positionn/aThe value of the variable within the COMMON. 
GETLOCALDIMTYPEDimensioned Array NameRow NumberColumn NumberThe type of the variable within the COMMON. 
GETLABELLEDDIMTYPEDimensioned Array NameRow NumberColumn NumberThe type of the variable within the COMMON. 
GETCOMMONDIMTYPEDimensioned Array NameRow NumberColumn NumberThe type of the variable within the COMMON. 

Sample Code

compile subroutine Debugger_Dump( void )
   Author   : Meester C
   Date     : 21 October 2008
   Purpose  : Simple function to grab all the variable contents in a broken
              proc and write them out to a "DEBUGGER_DUMP" record in SYSLISTS
   This is a very basic procedure. It would really be a good idea to monitor
   the size of the dump output and break it up into sections and write it out
   as an OS file for example.  The output has the potential to be extremely
   large due to the possibility of large variable contents and iterating
   through dimensioned arrays with large values.
   ... but that is another story ...
   Amended  Version  Date         Reason
   =======  =======  ====         ======
   declare function debugger_Fetch
   $insert debugger_Fetch_Equates
   $insert logical
   equ VERSION$       to "1.0.0"
   equ LOCAL_DUMP_ID$ to "oe_local_dmp.txt"
   equ LCOMM_DUMP_ID$ to "oe_lcomm_dmp.txt"
   equ CRLF$          to \0D0A\
   equ CR$            to \0D\
   equ LF$            to \0A\
   equ TAB$           to \09\
   goSub dumpLocalVars
   goSub dumpLabelledCommonVars
   localList  = debugger_Fetch( "LISTLOCAL" )
   localVars = ""
   xCount = count( localList, @fm ) + ( localList # "" )
   for x = 1 to xCount
      var = localList<x>
      varName = var[1,@vm]
      varType = var[col2()+1,@vm]
      varDim  = var[col2()+1,@vm]
      begin case
         case ( varType = VAR_TYPE_DESC_UNASSIGNED$ )
            localVars := varName : @vm : varType : @vm : "" : @fm
         case ( varType = VAR_TYPE_DESC_IDISPATCH$ )
            localVars := varName : @vm : varType : @vm : "" : @fm
         case ( varType = VAR_TYPE_DESC_DIM_ARRAY$ )
            localVars := varName : @vm : varType : @vm : "" : @fm
            * // We need to iterate across the matrix ...
            dim1 = varDim[1,@svm]
            dim2 = varDim[col2()+1,@svm]
            d1 = 0
            d2 = 0
            if len( dim2 ) then
               dVar = debugger_Fetch( "GETLOCALDIMTYPE", varName, d1, d2 )
               goSub processLocalDimVar
            end else
               dVar = debugger_Fetch( "GETLOCALDIMTYPE", varName, d1 )
               goSub processLocalDimVar
            for d1 = 1 to dim1
               if len( dim2 ) then
                  for d2 = 1 to dim2
                     dVar = debugger_Fetch( "GETLOCALDIMTYPE", varName, d1, d2 )
                     goSub processLocalDimVar
               end else
                  dVar = debugger_Fetch( "GETLOCALDIMTYPE", varName, d1 )
                  goSub processLocalDimVar
         case OTHERWISE$
            varData  = debugger_Fetch( "GETLOCAL", varName )
            goSub escapeVarData
            localVars := varName : @vm : varType : @vm : varData : @fm
      end case
   localVars[-1,1] = ""
   swap    @fm with CRLF$ in localVars
   convert @vm to "|" in localVars
   osWrite localVars to LOCAL_DUMP_ID$
   lCommList  = debugger_Fetch( "LISTLABELLED" )
   lCommVars = ""
   xCount = count( lCommList, @fm ) + ( lCommList # "" )
   for x = 1 to xCount
      var     = lCommList<x>
      commName = var[1,@vm]
      varName  = var[col2()+1,@vm]
      varType  = var[col2()+1,@vm]
      varDim   = var[col2()+1,@vm]
      begin case
         case ( varType = VAR_TYPE_DESC_UNASSIGNED$ )
            lCommVars := commName : @vm : varName : @vm : varType : @vm : "" : @fm
         case ( varType = VAR_TYPE_DESC_IDISPATCH$ )
            lCommVars := commName : @vm : varName : @vm : varType : @vm : "" : @fm
         case ( varType = VAR_TYPE_DESC_DIM_ARRAY$ )
            lCommVars := commName : @vm : varName : @vm : varType : @vm : "" : @fm
            * // We need to iterate across the matrix ...
            dim1 = varDim[1,@svm]
            dim2 = varDim[col2()+1,@svm]
            d1 = 0
            d2 = 0
            if len( dim2 ) then
                dVar = debugger_Fetch( "GETLABELLEDDIMTYPE", commName, varName, d1, d2 )
                goSub processLabelledCommonDimVar
            end else
               dVar = debugger_Fetch( "GETLABELLEDDIMTYPE", commName, varName, d1 )
               goSub processLabelledCommonDimVar
            for d1 = 1 to dim1
               if len( dim2 ) then
                  for d2 = 1 to dim2
                     dVar = debugger_Fetch( "GETLABELLEDDIMTYPE", commName, varName, d1, d2 )
                     goSub processLabelledCommonDimVar
               end else
                  dVar = debugger_Fetch( "GETLABELLEDDIMTYPE", commName, varName, d1 )
                  goSub processLabelledCommonDimVar
         case OTHERWISE$
            varData  = debugger_Fetch( "GETLABELLED", commName, varName )
            goSub escapeVarData
            lCommVars := commName : @vm : varName : @vm : varType : @vm : varData : @fm
      end case
   lCommVars[-1,1] = ""
   swap @fm with CRLF$ in lCommVars
   convert @vm to "|" in lCommVars
   osWrite lCommVars to LCOMM_DUMP_ID$
   dVarType = dVar<1>
   varData = ""
   begin case
      case ( dVarType = VAR_TYPE_DESC_UNASSIGNED$ )
      case ( dVarType = VAR_TYPE_DESC_IDISPATCH$ )
      case ( dVarType = VAR_TYPE_DESC_DIM_ARRAY$ )
         * // This HAS to be an error!
      case OTHERWISE$
         varData = debugger_Fetch( "GETLOCAL", varName, d1, d2 )
         goSub escapeVarData
   end case
   dVarName = varName : "(" : d1
   if len( dim2 ) then
      dVarName := "," : d2
   dVarName := ")"
   localVars : = "   " : dVarName : @vm : dVarType : @vm : varData : @fm
   dVarType = dVar<1>
   varData = ""
   begin case
      case ( dVarType = VAR_TYPE_DESC_UNASSIGNED$ )
      case ( dVarType = VAR_TYPE_DESC_IDISPATCH$ )
      case ( dVarType = VAR_TYPE_DESC_DIM_ARRAY$ )
         * // This HAS to be an error!
      case OTHERWISE$
         varData = debugger_Fetch( "GETLABELLED", commName, varName, d1, d2 )
         goSub escapeVarData
   end case
   dVarName = varName : "(" : d1
   if len( dim2 ) then
      dVarName := "," : d2
   dVarName := ")"
   lCommVars := "   " : commName : @vm : dVarName : @vm : dVarType : @vm : varData : @fm
  swap "\"  with "\\"   in varData
   swap @rm  with "\xFF" in varData
   swap @fm  with "\xFE" in varData
   swap @vm  with "\xFD" in varData
   swap @svm with "\xFC" in varData
   swap @tm  with "\xFB" in varData
   swap \09\ with "\t"   in varData
   swap \0A\ with "\n"   in varData
   swap \0D\ with "\r"   in varData
   swap \00\ with "\0"   in varData
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