If you are looking to squeeze a little extra performance out of SRP Lists, you can use these raw methods instead of SRP_List.

SRP_List_AddAdds an element to the end of an SRP List.
SRP_List_CreateCreates an SRP List.
SRP_List_CreateFromFastArrayCreates an SRP List initialized to a list within the given SRP Fast Array.
SRP_List_CountGets the number of elements in the list.
SRP_List_GetAtGets the element from an SRP List at the given index.
SRP_List_GetVariableConverts an SRP List back into a BASIC+ variable.
SRP_List_InsertAtInserts an element into an SRP List at the given index position.
SRP_List_MatchFinds the index of the first element from the starting index that matches the given string.
SRP_List_ReduceCreates a new list containing only those elements that match the given string.
SRP_List_LocateLocates a value in an SRP List.
SRP_List_ReleaseReleases the handle to an SRP List.
SRP_List_RemoveAtRemoves an element from an SRP List at the given index position.
SRP_List_SetAtSets an element into an SRP List at the given index position.

Don't forget to release your SRP List handles. Always.

Note that one major difference between the BASIC+ Insert, Delete, and Replace routines and the SRP List equivalent routines is that the BASIC+ routines always creates a new list and returns it. SRP List does not do this since creating copies is the performance bottle neck SRP List is working to avoid.

Oh yeah, one more thing: don't forget to release your SRP List handles.

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