Fires when the user clicks anywhere on the schedule control outside of appointments.
EntityID | ID of the entity clicked, if any |
Button | The mouse button used to click |
Location | Name of the area clicked |
Point | The location of mouse cursor |
Shift | Flag indicating whether or not the Shift key is pressed |
Ctrl | Flag indicating whether or not the Control key is pressed |
The OnScheduleClick event fires when the user clicks on the schedule but not on an appointment. The EntityID parameter provides the unique ID of the entity clicked and can be used directly with any properties requiring an entity ID. If the user clicked outside of an entity, then this parameter is blank. The Button parameter provides the name of the button used to perform the click--Left/Middle/Right. The Location parameter is the name of the area that was clicked and can have the following values:
Entity | The body of an entity where appointments may reside. |
Header | The header of an entity displaying its title. |
SecondTimeBar | The right time bar for SingleView or bottom time bar for the other views. |
SecondTimeBarHeader | The empty space above the right time bar for SingleView or to the left of the bottom time bar for the other views. |
TimeBar | The left time bar for SingleView or top time bar for the other views. |
TimeBarHeader | The empty space above the left time bar for SingleView or to the left of the top time bar for the other views. |
Workspace | The empty space beyond all visible entities. |
The Point parameter is the location of the mouse pointer in the format "x,y". The point is relative to the top left corner of the OLE Schedule control. The Shift and Ctrl parameters provide the states of the Shift and Control keys respectfully.
Transfer Param1 to EntityID Transfer Param2 to Button Transfer Param3 to Location Transfer Param4 to Point Transfer Param5 to Shift Transfer Param6 to Ctrl // Parse the point X = Field(Point, ",", 1) Y = Field(Point, ",", 2) // Check for right click on entity header, in case we want to show a context menu If Button EQ "Right" AND Location EQ "Header" then Call ShowEntityHeaderMenu(EntityID, X, Y) end