Fired when the user finishes dragging an appointment.
ApptID | ID of the appointment |
EntityID | ID of the appointment's parent entity |
OldEntityID | ID of the appointment's previous parent entity |
OldStartDateTime | The old start date & time |
OldEndDateTime | The old end date & time |
OldLeadTime | The old lead time |
OldTrailTime | The old trail time |
The AfterApptDrop event is fired when the user releases the mouse button at the end of a drag operation. This event is useful for responding to the new date & times. The ApptID parameter is the unique ID of the appointment that has been moved. The EntityID parameter is the unique ID of the entity to which the appointment now belongs. The OldEntityID parameter is the appointment's previous entity. The OldStartDateTime and OldEndDateTime parameters are the appointment's previous start and end times respectfully. Finally, the OldLeadTime and OldTrailTime parameters are ther appoitment's previous lead and trail times.
Use the Appt property to access the appointment's new Start Time, End Time, Lead Time, or Trail Time. Then compare them with the given parameters to determine what actually changed. For instance, the user may have simply moved the appointment to a new entity without changing the start and end times. Likewise, the user may have merely stretched the bottom of an appointment, so the entity and start time hasn't changed.
Transfer Param1 to ApptID Transfer Param2 to EntityID Transfer Param3 to OldEntityID Transfer Param4 to OldStartDateTime Transfer Param5 to OldEndDateTime Transfer Param6 to OldLeadTime Transfer Param7 to OldTrailTime // Get the new appointment settings Appt = Get_Property(CtrlEntId, "OLE.Appt[":ApptID:"]") StartDateTime = Appt<2> EndDateTime = Appt<3> LeadTime = Appt<8> TrailTime = Appt<12> // Did we change entities? IsNewEntity = EntityID _NEC OldEntityID // Did we change start time? IsNewStart = StartDateTime NE OldStartDateTime // Did we change end time? IsNewEnd = EndDateTime NE OldEndDateTime // Did the lead time change IsNewLeadTime = LeadTime NE OldLeadTime // Did the trail time change IsNewTrailTime = TrailTime NE OldTrailTime