Use to issue methods to repository objects (entities). Repository entities are stored as rows in the SYSREPOS table. See SYSREPOS_COL_EQUATES for the SYSREPOS table layout.
methodreturn = Repository(Message, entID, argn)
The Repository function has the following parameters. Arguments for each message vary. Follow the link in the Message column for syntax and examples.
ACCESS | Method for accessing (i.e., reading) entities of a given type or class, and determining whether an entity exists. |
ADDMODULE | Method for adding modules to an entity. |
CLEARFLAG | Method for resetting the evaluation and/or compilation flags for a repository entity. |
CLEARMODULE | Method for clearing modules on an entity. |
COMPILE | Method for compiling entities of a given type (stored procedures or windows) into an executable form. |
COPY | Method for copying entities. |
DESIGN | Method for designing entities. |
DESTROY | Method for destroying an entity. |
EXECUTE | Method for executing entities. |
FLAG | Method for setting flags in the repository header for this entity. |
GET | Method for reading the entry in SYSREPOS (the master repository table) for the entity. |
GETACCESSPERMIT | Method for getting the users who have access (i.e. reading) permission for this entity. |
GETAPPID | Method for getting the application ID (the first part of the key for the SYSREPOS entry corresponding to the entity) |
GETDESCRIPTION | Method for getting the entity's description information. |
GETDOCUMENT | Method for getting the document(s) associated with this entity. |
GETEVALUATE | Method for getting the entity's evaluate flag and notes information. |
GETLASTUPDATE | Method for getting the date and time of the last update to this entity. |
GETLOGHISTORY | Method for getting the history log for an entity. |
GETMODULE | Method for getting the modules for an entity. |
GETPUBLISHABLE | Method for getting the "publishable" flag for an entity. |
GETRECOMPILE | Method for getting the recompilation flag for an entity. |
GETSHAREABLE | Method for getting the shareable flag for an entity. |
GETSUB | Method for getting a list of "sub-entities," (entities using entID). |
GETSUBKEY | Method for getting the "subkey" (data storage location), for entities such as documents. |
GETSUPER | Method for getting a list of "super-entities" (entities used by entID). |
GETTITLE | Method for getting the entity's title in the repository. |
GETUPDATEPERMIT | Method for getting the users who have update permission for this entity. |
LOCK | Method for locking an entity. |
NEW | Method for creating new entities. |
REMOVEMODULE | Method for removing a module from an entity. |
SET | Method for writing the entry in SYSREPOS (the master repository table) for the entity. |
SETACCESSPERMIT | Method for updating the list of users who have access (i.e. reading) permission for this entity. |
SETDESCRIPTION | Method for changing an entity's description in the repository. |
SETMODULE | Method for setting a module on an entity. |
SETPUBLISHABLE | Method for change an entity's publishable flag in the repository. |
SETSHAREABLE | Method for setting the entity's shareable flag in the repository. |
SETSUB | Method for setting the list of "sub-entities" (entities using entID). |
SETSUBKEY | Method for setting the "subkey" (data storage location). |
SETSUPER | Method for setting the list of "super-entities" (entities used by entID). |
SETTITLE | Method for setting the entity's title in the repository. |
SETUPDATEPERMIT | Method for updating the list of users who have update permission for this entity. |
TCOMPILE | Tree compile (compile entities with their related entities, for example a window and events in the window). |
TCOPY | Tree copy (copies entities with their related entities, for example a window and events in the window) |
TDESTROY | Tree destroy (destroying entities and entities used by this entity, such as a window and events created in the window). |
UNLOCK | Method for unlocking entities. |
UPDATE | Method for updating an entity while allowing the repository routines to record the update. |
WRITE | Method to create new entities, or overwrite existing entities. |
entID consists of four elements, which are '*' (asterisk) delimited:
- Application name;
- Type ID;
- Class ID;
- Entity name.
Methods are executed as follows: if class specific, execute at the class level; if type specific, execute at the type level; otherwise, execute the method.
Arg1 ..... Arg20.
This list of methods is not exhaustive.
Note: Always call the Get_Status function after calling Repository.
See also
Get_Repos_Entities(), RevError.DAT.
result = Repository("ACCESS", entid) if Get_Status(ErrCode) then statList<-1> = ErrCode end