OLE control properties are the primary means of interacting with OLE controls. Properties, much like OI control properties, describe the persistent attributes of the control, that is, attributes having some meaningful value for the entire life of the control. Like OI control properties, OLE control properties are manipulated using the Get_Property and Set_Property routines. The following properties apply to the SRP Button Control:

BackVisibleDetermines whether or not the button's background is drawn. 
BackgroundThe button's background. 
ButtonTypeDetermines whether the OLE Button will behave as a standard push button or as a checkbox (aka toggle button). By default the control will act as a standard push button. When used as a checkbox you can specify whether it will have two or three states. 
CancelAllows the OLE Button to become the Cancel Push Button for the current form so it will automatically respond whenever the end user presses the ESC key. 
CaptionDetermines the text caption that appears on the face of the OLE Button. 
CaptionListThe list of captions to appear on the button's surface. 
ContextMenuThe button's custom context menu. 
DefaultAllows the OLE Button to become the Default Push Button for the current form so it will automatically respond whenever the end user presses the Enter key. 
FontSets the font attributes for the Caption text of the OLE Button. 
ForecolorThe button's text color. 
HandleThe button's window handle. 
IconThe image displayed on the button's face. 
IconEffectsConditions to determine which special effect to apply to the buttons' icon.3.0.7
IconListThe list of icons to appear on the button's surface. 
IconSizeThe fixed size of the button's icon.4.0.1
IconSizeToFitThe image displayed on the button's face. 
ProgIDThe control's ProgId/Class Name. 
StateThe button's state. 
StatusBarTextThe text to be displayed in a status bar. 
StyleThe button's visual style. 
ToolTipThe text to appear in the button's tool tip popup. 
TransparentColorThe color not to be drawn in the button's image. 
VersionThe control's version info. 
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