Conditions to determine which special effect to apply to the buttons' icon.


Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.IconEffects", StringValue)


StringValue can be any string meeting the following format requirements:

Syntax: @FM delimited list of conditions

Default: ""


The IconEffects property allows you to automate which special effect should be applied to the button's image. You provide an ordered list of specially formatted condition statements telling the button what state it must be in order to apply a particular effect. When the SRP Button Control is about to display its icon, it evaluates each condition in order and, if one of them is true, applies the associated effect.

Each field has two values: Effect and Condition. The Effect value identifies one of the available effects.

SaturateSaturates the image slightly so that normal images stand out more
GrayscaleDisplays the image in grayscale instead of full color
LevitateDisplays the image slightly raised with a drop shadow
FadedDisplays the image translucently over the background
TextColorDisplays the image as in monochrome matching the text's current color (See Forecolor property).
DefaultThe control draws the image normally if enabled or grayed out if disabled

The second value of each field, the Condition value, is the condition in which the effect is to be used. Each field in this property as a like case statement. So, the property value might look something like this:

Conditions<1> = "Levitate" :@VM:"Hot" 
Conditions<2> = "Default"  :@VM:"Pressed" 
Conditions<3> = "Saturate" :@VM:"1"

However, you can visualize the property to mean this:

Begin Case 
   Case Hot 
   Case Pressed 
   Case 1 
End Case

The SRP Button Control will first check to see if the button is hot, and if it is, it will apply the Levitate effect to the icon. If it is not hot, then it will check to see if it is pressed, and if it is, it will apply the Default effect (which is to say, no effect at all). If it is not pressed, then it will apply the Saturated effect.

The following operators are available to you when writing conditions:

Logical OROR, ||"Tristate OR Checked"
Logical ANDAND, &&"Hot AND Focused"
NotNot(expr), !expr"Not(Focused)"

The SRP Button Control allows the use of a limited set of keywords in your conditions. Keywords identify a particular state of the button. You may use the following keywords in your condition statement:

CheckedBooleanThe button's toggle state. Checked means it's toggled on.
HotBooleanThe button's hot state, which means the mouse is hovering over it
EnabledBooleanThe button's enabled state.
PressedBooleanThe buttons's pressed state.
FocusedBooleanThe buttons's focus state
TristateBooleanThe buttons's toggle state. Tristate means it's neither checked or unchecked. That is, it's unknown.

If your conditions do not seem to working, double check your syntax. The condition is case insensitive, but you must spell the keywords correctly.

To make a condition that evaluates to true in all cases, just set it to "1".


// Icon effects base on button states
Conditions = "" 
Conditions<1> = "Levitate":@VM:"Hot" 
Conditions<2> = "Default":@VM:"Pressed" 
Conditions<3> = "Saturate":@VM:"1" 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_BUTTON", "OLE.IconEffects", Conditions)

See Also


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