
Use to issue methods to repository objects (entities). Repository entities are stored as rows in the SYSREPOS table. See SYSREPOS_COL_EQUATES for the SYSREPOS table layout.


methodreturn = Repository(Message, entID, argn)


The Repository function has the following parameters. Arguments for each message vary. Follow the link in the Message column for syntax and examples.

ACCESSMethod for accessing (i.e., reading) entities of a given type or class, and determining whether an entity exists.
ADDMODULEMethod for adding modules to an entity.
CLEARFLAGMethod for resetting the evaluation and/or compilation flags for a repository entity.
CLEARMODULEMethod for clearing modules on an entity.
COMPILEMethod for compiling entities of a given type (stored procedures or windows) into an executable form.
COPYMethod for copying entities.
DESIGNMethod for designing entities.
DESTROYMethod for destroying an entity.
EXECUTEMethod for executing entities.
FLAGMethod for setting flags in the repository header for this entity.
GETMethod for reading the entry in SYSREPOS (the master repository table) for the entity.
GETACCESSPERMITMethod for getting the users who have access (i.e. reading) permission for this entity.
GETAPPIDMethod for getting the application ID (the first part of the key for the SYSREPOS entry corresponding to the entity)
GETDESCRIPTIONMethod for getting the entity's description information.
GETDOCUMENTMethod for getting the document(s) associated with this entity.
GETEVALUATEMethod for getting the entity's evaluate flag and notes information.
GETLASTUPDATEMethod for getting the date and time of the last update to this entity.
GETLOGHISTORYMethod for getting the history log for an entity.
GETMODULEMethod for getting the modules for an entity.
GETPUBLISHABLEMethod for getting the "publishable" flag for an entity.
GETRECOMPILEMethod for getting the recompilation flag for an entity.
GETSHAREABLEMethod for getting the shareable flag for an entity.
GETSUBMethod for getting a list of "sub-entities," (entities using entID).
GETSUBKEYMethod for getting the "subkey" (data storage location), for entities such as documents.
GETSUPERMethod for getting a list of "super-entities" (entities used by entID).
GETTITLEMethod for getting the entity's title in the repository.
GETUPDATEPERMITMethod for getting the users who have update permission for this entity.
LOCKMethod for locking an entity.
NEWMethod for creating new entities.
REMOVEMODULEMethod for removing a module from an entity.
SETMethod for writing the entry in SYSREPOS (the master repository table) for the entity.
SETACCESSPERMITMethod for updating the list of users who have access (i.e. reading) permission for this entity.
SETDESCRIPTIONMethod for changing an entity's description in the repository.
SETMODULEMethod for setting a module on an entity.
SETPUBLISHABLEMethod for change an entity's publishable flag in the repository.
SETSHAREABLEMethod for setting the entity's shareable flag in the repository.
SETSUBMethod for setting the list of "sub-entities" (entities using entID).
SETSUBKEYMethod for setting the "subkey" (data storage location).
SETSUPERMethod for setting the list of "super-entities" (entities used by entID).
SETTITLEMethod for setting the entity's title in the repository.
SETUPDATEPERMITMethod for updating the list of users who have update permission for this entity.
TCOMPILETree compile (compile entities with their related entities, for example a window and events in the window).
TCOPYTree copy (copies entities with their related entities, for example a window and events in the window)
TDESTROYTree destroy (destroying entities and entities used by this entity, such as a window and events created in the window).
UNLOCKMethod for unlocking entities.
UPDATEMethod for updating an entity while allowing the repository routines to record the update.
WRITEMethod to create new entities, or overwrite existing entities.


entID consists of four elements, which are '*' (asterisk) delimited:

  • Application name;
  • Type ID;
  • Class ID;
  • Entity name.


Methods are executed as follows: if class specific, execute at the class level; if type specific, execute at the type level; otherwise, execute the method.

Arg1 ..... Arg20.

This list of methods is not exhaustive.

Note: Always call the Get_Status function after calling Repository.

See also



result = Repository("ACCESS", entid)
if Get_Status(ErrCode) then
       statList<-1> = ErrCode
  • No labels