The button's visual style.


Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.Style", OptionValue)


OptionValue can be set to one of the following valid options:


StandardSTDA standard windows button with a focus rectangle
Standard FlatFLATA button with a thin border and no focus rectangle
Standard ToolbarTBA button with a thin border that appears when the cursor floats over it. The image is grayscale when at rest
Standard Toolbar NGTBNGJust like a Standard Toolbar button except the icon is always drawn in full color. (NG = Non-Grayscale)
XPXPA standard button drawn in the current XP theme. If no XP theme exists, acts as a standard button
XP ToolbarXTBA standard toolbar button drawn in the current XP theme. If no XP theme exists, then it is drawn like a standard toolbar button.
XP Toolbar NGXTBNGJust like an XP Toolbar button except the icon is always drawn in full color. (NG = Non-Grayscale)
Office XP ToolbarOXPA toolbar button drawn like the toolbar buttons in Office XP
OptionOPTMakes the button appear to be embedded with a sunken border on all sides of the button except the left side. Placing a button of this style next to an edit line makes the button appear to be embedded within the right side of the edit line.
Custom DrawnCDUses only the Icon image to draw the button. The icon will be scaled to fit the bounds of the control, allowing you to customize every pixel of the button.

Default: Standard Toolbar


This property establish how the control will appear on the form. By default, it is a standard toolbar button, but you may use the button as a standard push button, an option button, and an XP button.

Use the Option style to create a button that is meant to be next to an edit line control. If you carefully size and position the control, you can make an edit line control with a button that appears to be inside the edit control. When using an Option button, you can only place the button on the edit line's right side.

The XP styles allow your button to appear in the user's XP theme. If the user is not running under Windows XP, the button will default to the standard equivalent. Thus, an XP button will render as a Standard button if outside of Windows XP, the XP Toolbar will render as a Standard Toolbar, etc.

The Office XP style should not be confused with the other XP styles. The Office XP style emulates as close as possible the appearance of buttons in Microsoft's Office XP. This style is manually rendered and therefore works on any operating system.


// Set the button to the XP standard button style 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_BUTTON", "OLE.Style", "XP") 

// Set the button to the Office XP toolbar button style 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_BUTTON", "OLE.Style", "Office XP Toolbar"
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