The colors used to render the close buttons at various states.
Set_Property(CtrlEntID, "OLE.CloseButtonColors" , Array) |
Array has the following structure:
<1> | Normal Colors | |||
<1, 1> | Normal Foreground | Color | The close button's foreground color in its normal state | "RGB(128, 128, 128)" |
<1, 2> | Normal Background | Color Fill | The tab's background in its normal state | "None" |
<2> | Hot Colors | |||
<2, 1> | Hot Foreground | Color | The close button's foreground color when it's hot | "White" |
<2, 2> | Hot Background | Color Fill | The tab's background when hot | "Vertical(Gradient(Red, Red), Border(Red L-=10), Rounded(2))" |
<3> | Pressed Colors | |||
<3, 1> | Pressed Foreground | Color | The close button's foreground color when it's pressed | "White" |
<3, 2> | Pressed Background | Color Fill | The tab's background when selected | "Vertical(Gradient(Red L-=10, Red L-=10), Border(Red L-=10), Rounded(2))" |
<4> | Disabled Colors | |||
<4, 1> | Disabled Foreground | Color | The close button's foreground color when it's disabled | "RGB(196, 196, 196)" |
<4, 2> | Disabled Background | Color Fill | The tab's background when disabled | "None" |
index | Index to an existing tab. |
The CloseButtonColors property allows you to customize the colors of all close buttons. By default, the colors are set to be somewhat subtle until hovered over, at which point it becomes red like most Windows' close buttons. You can alter each state as you wish, just note that it will affect all close buttons.