Fired when the user clicks on a spin button in an edit line.


CtrlIdIdentifies a subclassed EDITLINE control
DeltaThe proposed change in position


The OnSpinClick event is fired when the user clicks on an edit line's spin button. The CtlrId parameter identifies the control who fired the event. You can use this parameter in properties and methods to make any desired modifications in response to the event. The Delta parameter will be 1 if the user clicked the up arrow and -1 if the user clicked the down arrow.


Transfer Param1 to CtrlId 
Transfer Param2 to Delta 

// Since my CtrlId is the same the OI Control Entity Name, 
// I can use it to manipulate the OI properties as well 
Val = Get_Property(CtrlId, "TEXT") 
Val = Val + (0.1 * Delta) 
Set_Property(CtrlId, "TEXT", Val)

See Also


  • No labels