This property is deprecated. Use TimeBlockList instead.

An entity's time blocks.

Version Introduced: 3.0.0

Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.EntityTimeBlocks[ID]", Array)


Array has the following structure:

<0, 1>Start TimeIntegerThe time block's start time in internal time format
<0, 2>End TimeIntegerThe time block's end time in internal time format
<0, 3>BackgroundColor FillThe time block's background
<0, 4>ForegroundColorThe time block's foreground
<0, 5>DateIntegerThe time block's date in OI internal format
<0, 6>CaptionTextThe text to appear in the center of the timeblock


IDUnique ID of an existing entity, or "All" for all entities.


The EntityTimeBlocks property allows you add meaningful colored regions in the background of an entity. For example, you can show an employee's lunch break. Note that time blocks are only visual and have no affect on placement of appointments. These time blocks are repeated on every day for this entity. That means you cannot have different time blocks for different days.

This property is an @FM delimited array of time blocks. When you set the timeblocks, they are rendered top to bottom. Thus, the time block in field three will be render over the time blocks in fields one and two. The above multivalue structure desribes each time block.

The Start Time and End Time values specify the range covered by the time block. These must be provided as times in OI's internal time format.

The Background value determines the color(s) used to render the timeblock's background. Any Color Fill is acceptable, though any border settings will be ignored.

The Foreground value determines the color used to render the interval lines. It's most appealing visually to use a slightly darker version of the background color.

The Date value is optional. If you leave it blank, then the timeblock will appear every time no matter what the current date of the view is. If you set this to a specific date, then it will only appear when that particular date is in view.

The Caption value is optional. If you set it, that text will appear in the center of the timeblock drawn using the timeblock's Foreground setting.


// Employee Bob likes to take late lunches, so show a blue time block there
TimeBlocks = ""
TimeBlocks<1, 1> = IConv("1:00PM", "MTH")   ;// Pass in internal format
TimeBlocks<1, 2> = IConv("2:00PM", "MTH")
TimeBlocks<1, 3> = "Blue L=90"              ;// Blue back at 90% brightness
TimeBlocks<1, 4> = "Blue L=80"              ;// Blue lines 10% darker than back
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_SCHEDULE", "OLE.EntityTimeBlocks[Bob]", TimeBlocks)
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