These commands come pre-loaded with a clean installation of SRP Frameworks.  Any modification or deletions of any of these commands can cause unexpected results in certain core SRP Frameworks windows.  These commands and all other user-defined commands are stored in the FW_Commands table.  Any applicable shortcut key that has been preassigned is also listed below.

ABOUTShows information about the application.
ADDBUTTONCONTROLAdds a new button control.
ADDCHECKBOXCONTROLAdds a new check box control.
ADDCOMBOBOXCONTROLAdds a new combo box control.
ADDCOMMANDAdds a new command to the command category.
ADDCOMMANDCATEGORYAdds a new command category.
ADDDATEFIELDCONTROLAdds a new date field control.
ADDEDITFIELDCONTROLAdds a new edit field control.
ADDLABELCONTROLAdds a new label control.
ADDSPLITBUTTONCONTROLAdds a new split button control.
ADDTABCOMPONENTAdds a tab to the ribbon control.
APPLYApplies the current changes.
ASSIGNSEQKEYSAssigns a sequential key to the current document (NDW_SEQUENTIAL_KEYS).
AUDITMANAGEROpens the Audit Manager Utility (DBW_AUDIT_MANAGER).
AUDITTRAILOpens the Audit Trail utility (NDW_AUDIT_TRAIL).
CASCADEArranges windows to see all their title bars.
CLOSECloses the active window.
CLOSEALLCloses all active windows.
CLOSEAPPCloses the application.
COMMANDMANAGEROpens the FrameWorks Command Manager.
CONTEXTHELPDisplays help for the active control.
COPYCopies contents to the clipboard. Ctrl+C
CUTCopies contents to the clipboard then removes them. Ctrl+X

Deletes the active document permanently. Ctrl+D

DELETECOMMANDDeletes the command.
DELETECOMMANDCATEGORYDeletes the command category and all the commands therein.
DELETEITEMDeletes the item.
FORMOPTIONSLaunches the form options for the active window.
HELPOpens application user documentation. Shift+F1
HELPMANAGEROpens the Help Manager utility (DBW_HELP_MANAGER).
NEWCreates a new document. Ctrl+N
OPENOpens a document. Ctrl+O
OPTIONSLaunches the options available for the active control.
PASTEInserts clipboard contents into the current cursor position. Ctrl+V
PREFERENCEMANAGEROpens the FrameWorks Preference Manager utility (NDW_PREFERENCE_MANAGER).
PREVIEWPreviews a print out of the active document.
PRINTPrints the active document. Ctrl+P
RENAMERenames the selected item.
RENAMECOMMANDRenames a command.
RENAMECOMMANDCATEGORYRenames the command category.
REPORTMANAGEROpens the Report Manager utility (NDW_REPORTS).
REPORTSLaunches the Report Manager.
RIBBONMANAGEROpens the FrameWorks Ribbon Manager.
SAMPLE1Opens a sample window featuring controls and FrameWorks layout standards (DBW_SAMPLE1).
SAMPLE2Opens a sample window featuring multiple pages managed by a scroll bar (DBW_SAMPLE2).
SAMPLE3Opens a window featuring multiple pages managed by a tab control (DBW_SAMPLE3).
SAMPLE4Opens a sample window featuring a shortcut bar (DBW_SAMPLE4).
SAMPLE5Opens a sample window featuring a shortcut bar and different tab layout (DBW_SAMPLE5).
SAVESaves the current document. Ctrl+S
SAVEASSaves the current document under a new key.
TILEHORZArranges active windows to appear side by side.
TILEVERTArranges all active windows to appear top to bottom.
UNDOUndoes the last edit. Ctrl+Z
UPDATEChecks for application updates.
USERADDAdds a new user.
USERDELETEDeletes the current user.
USERGROUPADDAdds a new user group.
USERGROUPDELETEDeletes the current user group.


Displays the list of users currently logged in (NDW_USER_LOGINS).
USERMANAGEROpens the User Manager utility (DBW_USER_MANAGER).

Legacy Commands

These commands were used to launch previous versions of some of the Frameworks tools.

GROUPACCESSOpens the legacy Group Access security utility (DBW_GROUP_ACCESS).
SECURITYMANAGEROpens the legacy Security Manager utility (NDW_SECURITY_MANAGER).
USERACCESSOpens the legacy User Access security utility (DBW_USER_ACCESS).
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