These commands come pre-loaded with a clean installation of SRP Frameworks. Any modification or deletions of any of these commands can cause unexpected results in certain core SRP Frameworks windows. These commands and all other user-defined commands are stored in the FW_Commands table. Any applicable shortcut key that has been preassigned is also listed below.
ABOUT | Shows information about the application. |
ADDBUTTONCONTROL | Adds a new button control. |
ADDCHECKBOXCONTROL | Adds a new check box control. |
ADDCOMBOBOXCONTROL | Adds a new combo box control. |
ADDCOMMAND | Adds a new command to the command category. |
ADDCOMMANDCATEGORY | Adds a new command category. |
ADDDATEFIELDCONTROL | Adds a new date field control. |
ADDEDITFIELDCONTROL | Adds a new edit field control. |
ADDLABELCONTROL | Adds a new label control. |
ADDSPLITBUTTONCONTROL | Adds a new split button control. |
ADDTABCOMPONENT | Adds a tab to the ribbon control. |
APPLY | Applies the current changes. |
ASSIGNSEQKEYS | Assigns a sequential key to the current document (NDW_SEQUENTIAL_KEYS). |
AUDITMANAGER | Opens the Audit Manager Utility (DBW_AUDIT_MANAGER). |
AUDITTRAIL | Opens the Audit Trail utility (NDW_AUDIT_TRAIL). |
CASCADE | Arranges windows to see all their title bars. |
CLOSE | Closes the active window. |
CLOSEALL | Closes all active windows. |
CLOSEAPP | Closes the application. |
COMMANDMANAGER | Opens the FrameWorks Command Manager. |
CONTEXTHELP | Displays help for the active control. |
COPY | Copies contents to the clipboard. Ctrl+C |
CUT | Copies contents to the clipboard then removes them. Ctrl+X |
DELETE | Deletes the active document permanently. Ctrl+D |
DELETECOMMAND | Deletes the command. |
DELETECOMMANDCATEGORY | Deletes the command category and all the commands therein. |
DELETEITEM | Deletes the item. |
FORMOPTIONS | Launches the form options for the active window. |
HELP | Opens application user documentation. Shift+F1 |
HELPMANAGER | Opens the Help Manager utility (DBW_HELP_MANAGER). |
NEW | Creates a new document. Ctrl+N |
OPEN | Opens a document. Ctrl+O |
OPTIONS | Launches the options available for the active control. |
PASTE | Inserts clipboard contents into the current cursor position. Ctrl+V |
PREFERENCEMANAGER | Opens the FrameWorks Preference Manager utility (NDW_PREFERENCE_MANAGER). |
PREVIEW | Previews a print out of the active document. |
Prints the active document. Ctrl+P | |
RENAME | Renames the selected item. |
RENAMECOMMAND | Renames a command. |
RENAMECOMMANDCATEGORY | Renames the command category. |
REPORTMANAGER | Opens the Report Manager utility (NDW_REPORTS). |
REPORTS | Launches the Report Manager. |
RIBBONMANAGER | Opens the FrameWorks Ribbon Manager. |
SAMPLE1 | Opens a sample window featuring controls and FrameWorks layout standards (DBW_SAMPLE1). |
SAMPLE2 | Opens a sample window featuring multiple pages managed by a scroll bar (DBW_SAMPLE2). |
SAMPLE3 | Opens a window featuring multiple pages managed by a tab control (DBW_SAMPLE3). |
SAMPLE4 | Opens a sample window featuring a shortcut bar (DBW_SAMPLE4). |
SAMPLE5 | Opens a sample window featuring a shortcut bar and different tab layout (DBW_SAMPLE5). |
SAVE | Saves the current document. Ctrl+S |
SAVEAS | Saves the current document under a new key. |
SECURITYPOLICIES | Opens the Security Policy Manager (DBW_SECURITY_POLICIES). |
TILEHORZ | Arranges active windows to appear side by side. |
TILEVERT | Arranges all active windows to appear top to bottom. |
UNDO | Undoes the last edit. Ctrl+Z |
UPDATE | Checks for application updates. |
USERADD | Adds a new user. |
USERDELETE | Deletes the current user. |
USERGROUPADD | Adds a new user group. |
USERGROUPDELETE | Deletes the current user group. |
USERLOGIN | Displays the list of users currently logged in (NDW_USER_LOGINS). |
USERMANAGER | Opens the User Manager utility (DBW_USER_MANAGER). |
Legacy Commands
These commands were used to launch previous versions of some of the Frameworks tools.
GROUPACCESS | Opens the legacy Group Access security utility (DBW_GROUP_ACCESS). |
SECURITYMANAGER | Opens the legacy Security Manager utility (NDW_SECURITY_MANAGER). |
USERACCESS | Opens the legacy User Access security utility (DBW_USER_ACCESS). |