OLE control methods provide convenient one-time operations to developers. Unlike properties, whose values are persistent over the life of a control, methods represent actions that a control can perform. Often, methods will change the values of other control properties, so be sure to read the Remarks section of each method carefully. The following methods apply to the SRP Tree Control:

AddItemsAdds new items to the tree. 
AnimateItemAnimates one item as though it were flying to another tree. 
ChangeKeysChanges an item's key.4.0.1
EditItemPuts an item into edit mode so a user can modify its contents inline.4.0.1
EnsureVisibleBrings an item into view. 
GetItemRectReturns an item's size and location. 
GetItemRectExReturns the size and location of an item's specific visual element.4.0.1
HideBalloonTooltipHides the visible balloon tooltip. 
InsertItemsInserts new items into the tree. 
MoveItemsMoves items from one location in the tree to another location. 
RemoveAllItemsRemoves all items from the tree. 
RemoveItemsRemoves items from the tree. 
SendItemsSends copies of items to another tree. 
ShowBalloonTooltipDisplays a balloon tooltip over an item. 
ShowContextMenuDisplays a context menu at the given mouse point. 
SortSorts an item's children. 
TransferItemsTransfers copies of items to another tree. 
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