Text to appear when the mouse hovers over an item.


Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.ItemToolTip[group; item]", Text)


Text can contain anything.

Default: ""


groupIndex to an existing group
itemIndex to an existing item within the group


The ItemToolTip poperty sets the tooltip text to appear when the mouse hovers an item. Use this property to supplement the item's label with additional helpful information.

Dynamic Index

Every indexed property, including this one, supports dynamic indexing. There are three ways to index a ShortcutBar property: single, ranged, and all. Single indexing operates on one element at a time while ranged and all indexing operates on several elements at once, reducing the amount of code required.


Single indexing is simple. Just pass a single integer to index an existing element.


Ranged indexing operates on one or more properties. Instead of passing a single integer, you pass two integers delimited by a dash '-' character. For instance, to operate on elements 3, 4, 5 and 6 you pass '3-6'.


All indexing operates on all existing elements at once. Instead of passing a numerical index, you pass the word "All".

Setting multiple properties

Use ranged or all indexing to set the same value for multiple properties at once. This is particularly useful for boolean properties, such as enabling/disabling settings for several properties at once. It can also be useful for initializing or resetting a control.

Getting multiple properties

Getting multiple properties is tricky because it is possible to be getting multiple properties with different values. The ShortcutBar control resolves this by using a same/indeterminate paradigm. If all values of multiple properties are the same, then that value is returned. If there is at least one different value, then an indeterminate value is returned. In most cases the returned value is "", except for boolean properties. They return a value of 2, which is the value of OI Check Boxes in their indeterminate states.


// Set the tooltip text of a single item 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_SHORTCUT", "OLE.ItemToolTip[1; 1]", "Sample Tooltip Text") 

// Remove all items tooltips 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_SHORTCUT", "OLE.ItemToolTip[All; All]", "")

See Also


  • No labels