The group presentation behavior.


Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.Behavior", OptionValue)


OptionValue can be set to one of the following valid options:

ExplorerEAllows user to expand and contract multiple groups
ListLUser expands one group at a time
ToolboxTUser expands one group at a time

Default: Explorer


The Behavior property lets you select between three styles of group presentation.

The "Explorer" behavior allows the user to expand and contract any number of groups, thus emulating the behavior of the task bar in Windows Explorer. This is the default setting.

The "List" and "Toolbox" behaviors are nearly the same in that they both allow the user to view only one group at a time. The difference between them is that the default layout of "List" is images with text below while the default layout for "Toolbox" is image with text on the right. However, you can change the layout of either behavior via the Layout property.


// Set the behavior to "List", which is similar to the Outlook bar 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_SHORTCUT", "OLE.Behavior", "List") 

// Set the behavior to "Toolbox", which is similar to the Outlook bar with small icons 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_SHORTCUT", "OLE.Behavior", "Toolbox")

See Also


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