OLE control events provide a way for the OLE control to communicate back to OpenInsight. Once an event has been qualified using OI's QUALIFY_EVENT message, then the OLE control will fire the event to OpenInsight allowing you to respond to any one of the control's predefined actions. Some events allow you to stop certain actions before they occur, so be sure to read the Remarks section of each event carefully. The following events apply to the SRP EditTable Control:
Event | Description | Version Introduced |
AfterDeleteRecords | Fired after the user deletes a record. | |
AfterInsertRecords | Fired after the user inserts a record. | |
AfterNewRecords | Fired after the user creates new records at the end of the table. | |
AfterUpdate | Fired after a cell's contents has been updated. | |
BeforeDeleteRecords | Fired before the user deletes a record. | |
BeforeEdit | Fired just before a cell goes into edit mode. | |
BeforeInsertRecords | Fired before the user inserts a record. | |
BeforeNewRecords | Fired before the user creates new records at the end of the table. | |
BeforeUpdate | Fired before a cell's contents is updated. | |
GotFocus | Deprecated. Use OnGotFocus instead | Deprecated |
HScroll | Fired when the user scrolls the table horizontally. | |
LostFocus | Deprecated. Use OnLostFocus instead | Deprecated |
OnBalloonClicked | Fired when the user clicks on a balloon tooltip. | |
OnButtonClick | Fired when the user clicks on a button cell in the edit table. | |
OnChar | Fired when the user types a character in edit mode. | |
OnCheckChanged | Fired when the user changes the state of a cell's check box. | |
OnClick | Fired when the user clicks on a cell. | |
OnComboClicked | Fired when the user clicks on an item in a combo dropdown. | |
OnContextMenuClick | Fired when a menu item on the custom context menu is clicked. | |
OnDblClick | Fired when the user double clicks on a cell. | |
OnEditAttempt | Fired when the user attempts to edit a non-editable cell. | |
OnEditCompleted | Fired after a cell exits edit mode. | 4.1.18 |
OnGotFocus | Fired when the control receives input focus. | 3.1.0 |
OnHeaderClick | Fired when the user clicks on a header cell. | |
OnHeaderDblClick | Fired when the user double clicks on a header cell. | |
OnHeaderHyperClick | Fired when the user clicks on a hyperlink in a header cell. | |
OnHyperClick | Fired when the user clicks on a hyperlink in a cell. | |
OnInvalidData | Fired when the data does not match the cell's validation pattern. | |
OnKeyNavigationDone | Fired when the user releases a navigation key after holding it down long enough to repeat the keystroke. | |
OnLostFocus | Fired when the control loses input focus. | 3.1.0 |
OnMouseEnter | Fired when mouse enters the control. | |
OnMouseExit | Fired when the mouse leaves the control. | |
OnMouseMove | Fired when the user moves the mouse over the edit table. | |
OnOptionClick | Fired when the user clicks on an option button in the edit table. | |
PosChanged | Fired after the selected cell changes. | |
PosChanging | Fired before the selected cell changes. | |
VScroll | Fired when the user scrolls the table vertically. |