Fired after the user creates new records at the end of the table.
Parameter | Description |
Parameter | Description |
Record | Index to the location of the first new record |
Count | The number of records added |
Cause | The name of what caused the event |
The AfterNewRecords event is fired when the user tabs out of the last data record, automatically creating a new record at the end of the table. By the time this event is fired, the new record has already been created. To check for new records even sooner, capture the BeforeNewRecords event.
The Record parameter indicates the index location of the first new record, and the Count parameter indicates the number of new records added.
The Cause parameter is the name of what caused the new record(s) to be added. It can have one of the following values:
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
Down | The user used the down arrow |
Enter | The user used the ENTER key |
Tab | The user used the TAB key |
GotFocus | The record was added when the table received focus (See BlankRowManagement) |
See Also
BeforeNewRecords, AfterDeleteRecords, AfterUpdate, NewRowCount, BlankRowManagement