Advances a pane's progress marquee
rv = Send_Message(Ctrl, "OLE.UpdateMarquee", Pane)
Pane | The pane whose marquee to update |
The UpdateMarquee method applies only to panes whose PaneType property is set to "Progress Marquee". Normally, the marquee will animate itself, but this is not always desirable. If you want to control marquee animation manually, simply set the PaneMarqueeDelay to 0 and call this method periodically to advance the marquee. Each call to this method advances the marquee one position to the right. When the marquee goes out of view, it scrolls in from the left again.
// Update the marquee in pane 3 rv = Send_Message(@Window:".OLE_STATUSBAR", "OLE.UpdateMarquee", 3) // Update the marquee in all panes rv = Send_Message(@Window:".OLE_STATUSBAR", "OLE.UpdateMarquee", "All")