OLE control properties are the primary means of interacting with OLE controls. Properties, much like OI control properties, describe the persistent attributes of the control, that is, attributes having some meaningful value for the entire life of the control. Like OI control properties, OLE control properties are manipulated using the Get_Property and Set_Property routines. The following properties apply to the SRP StatusBar Control:
Property | Description | Version Introduced |
AllowXPTheme | Establishes whether or not the status bar should be drawn using the current XP Visual Style. | |
Background | The control's background color(s). | 3.0.7 |
PaneAlignment | The position of a pane's contents. | |
PaneAnimationDelay | The number of milliseconds between a pane's frame changes. | |
PaneBehavior | A pane's horizontal resizing behavior. | |
PaneBorder | The type of border to be displayed around the edges of a pane | |
PaneCaption | The text to appear within a pane. | |
PaneColors | The colors and patterns used to draw a pane. | |
PaneCount | The number of panes in the status bar. | |
PaneEffect | Establishes how to display a pane's contents. | |
PaneFont | The font used to display a pane's caption. | |
PaneFrame | The index of a pane's currently displayed image frame. | |
PaneFrameCount | The number of frames in a pane's image. | |
PaneImage | The path to a pane's image. | |
PaneImageLeft | Established whether a pane's image appears to the left or right of the caption. | |
PaneMarqueeDelay | The number of milliseconds between a pane's marquee progress updates. | |
PanePercent | A pane's progress bar percentage value. | |
PaneScrollDelay | The number of milliseconds between a pane's caption scrolls. | |
PaneScrollIncrement | The number of pixels to scroll a pane's caption. | |
PaneSpacing | The number of pixels between panes. | |
PaneToolTip | The text to appear in a pane's tool tip popup. | |
PaneTransparentColor | The color not to be drawn in a pane's image. | |
PaneType | The type of pane. | |
PaneVisible | Shows or hides a pane. | |
PaneWidth | A pane's width in pixels. | |
ProgID | The control's ProgId/Class Name. | |
Resizable | Shows or hides the status bar resize gipper. | |
ResizeColor | The color used to draw resize gripper. | 3.0.7 |
Version | The control's version info. |