The color not to be drawn in a pane's image.


Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.PaneTransparentColor[index]", StringValue)


StringValue can be any string meeting the following format requirements:

Syntax: [RGB Color | "Auto" | "None"]

Default: ""Auto""


indexIndex to an existing pane


This PaneTransparentColor property allows you to specify that a certain color in a pane's image not be drawn. This allows bitmap images to appear as natural irregular shapes rather than as rectangles.

The easiest way to make a color transparent is to set this property to "Auto." In so doing, the pane will always use the image's top left pixel, the pixel located at coordinate (0, 0), to determine the transparent color. If you want a different color to be transparent, then set this property to an exact RGB color value. You can do this using OI's RGB function.

This property is ignored if the pane's image was loaded from an .ico file since icon files already contain the transparent pixels.


// make pure blue the transparent color in the second pane's image  
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_STATUSBAR", "OLE.PaneTransparentColor[2]", RGB(0, 0, 255))
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