Unsubclasses an OI control that the SRP Tab Control automatically subclassed.


rv = Send_Message(Ctrl, "OLE.UnsubclassCtrl", Handle)


HandleThe window handle to the control to unsubclass


When the SRP Tab Control's AllowXPTheme property is set, it subclasses several types of OI controls in order to make them transparent over the tab background, which is usually gradient in nature. In some cases, you may not want certain controls on the form to be subclassed. For example, you may intend to place these controls within the SRP Panel Control, and the tab's subclassing will causes graphical anomalies.

The UnsubclassCtrl method simply returns the control on a form back to it's default behavior. If the control was never subclassed, nothing happens.

The Handle property identifies the control to unsubclass. Use the control's HANDLE property to get this value.


// Unsubclass an editline 
Handle = Get_Property(@Window:".EDITLINE", "HANDLE") 
Send_Message(@Window:".OLE_TAB", "OLE.UnsubclassCtrl", Handle)
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