The state of an appointment's flag.

Version Introduced: 3.0.0


Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.ApptFlag[ID; FlagNo]", Boolean)


[True | False]

Default: False


IDUnique ID of an existing appointment
FlagNoThe flag to get or set (must be 1 - 32)


Every appointment stores 32 single-bit flags in memory, which are all set to zero by default. The ApptFlag property allows you to get or set these flags individually. This property takes a two part index delimited by a semi-colon. The first part is the appointment ID, the second part is an index to a flag: 1 through 32.

These flags have no meaning to the appointments; they are there for your use. However, they do provide some convenience when used with the Layout property. You can define a layout item that consists of 32 images, which correspond to these 32 flags. Once the relationship is established, the images will appear automatically when its flag is turned on.

Of course, you do not need to use these flags with the Layout property. You can simply use this property to store state information for convenient retreival later.

If you need to set several flags at once, use the ApptFlags property.


// Turn on flag number 4
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_SCHEDULE", "OLE.ApptFlag[Appt0001;4]", 1)
// Turn off flag number 7
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_SCHEDULE", "OLE.ApptFlag[Appt0001;7]", 0)

See Also


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