Programmatically fires an edit table event.


rv = Send_Message(Ctrl, "OLE.FireEvent", Event, Parameters)


EventThe name of the event
ParametersThe @FM delimited list of parameters for the event


The FireEvent method can be used to programmatically cause the edit table to fire an event. The Event argument must be the name of any event, and the Parameters argument is the list of values for the event's parameters. The Parameters argument does not need to contain all the event parameters since the edit table will pass empty strings in their place. Note also that this method does not validate parameters, so make sure your parameters are formatted as documented so that your event handlers will operate correctly.

If an event takes zero parameters, you must still pass an empty string. Otherwise, OI will not call the FireEvent method due to a mismatch in parameter count.

IMPORTANT! Events are fired asynchronously regardless of how the event was qualified.


// Fire the AfterUpdate event 
rv = Send_Message(Ctrl, "OLE.FireEvent", "AfterUpdate", "") 

// Fire the OnClick event 
rv = Send_Message(Ctrl, "OLE.FireEvent", "OnClick", "1; 1":@FM:"0, 0":@FM:"LEFT":@FM:0:@FM:0)
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