Customizes the colors of an SRP ActiveX Control's border.


Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.BorderColors", Colors)


Colors has the following structure:

<1>Colors used when control is at rest
<1, 1>Border Outer ColorColor FillThe color used to render the outermost pixels around the border."3DShadow"
<1, 2>Border Inner ColorColor FillThe color used to render the innermost pixels around the border."Window"
<2>Colors used when control has focus
<2, 1>Border Outer ColorColor FillThe color used to render the outermost pixels around the border."3DShadow"
<2, 2>Border Inner ColorColor FillThe color used to render the innermost pixels around the border."Window"
<3>Colors used when control is hot
<3, 1>Border Outer ColorColor FillThe color used to render the outermost pixels around the border."3DShadow"
<3, 2>Border Inner ColorColor FillThe color used to render the innermost pixels around the border."Window"
<4>Colors used when control is disabled
<4, 1>Border Outer ColorColor FillThe color used to render the outermost pixels around the border."3DShadow"
<4, 2>Border Inner ColorColor FillThe color used to render the innermost pixels around the border."Window"


The BorderColors property sets the colors for the control when its Border property has been set to Custom Thick or Custom Thin. If it is a Custom Thick border, then the border is 2-pixels wide and you can set the outer pixels and inner pixels independently. If it is a Custom Thin border, then only the outer pixel color is used and the inner color is ignored. You are not limited to solid colors. Each border can be set to a valid ColorFill string, so you can even apply gradients.


// Set the control's border to be a thick custom one
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_CONTROL", "OLE.Border", "Custom Thick")
// Now define the custom colors
Colors = ""
Colors<1> = "Green"   :@VM:"Window"   ; // Normal State
Colors<2> = "Green"   :@VM:"Green"    ; // Focus State
Colors<3> = "Green"   :@VM:"Green"    ; // Hot State
Colors<4> = "3DShadow":@VM:"3DFace"   ; // Disabled State
// And set them
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_CONTROL", "OLE.BorderColors", Colors)

See Also


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