Through BASIC+ calls, OpenInsight communicates with the Access database through use of objects.  Two objects are used:

The XO_Equates $Insert record contains declarations and equates for arguments and functions that are used with the Connection object and the Query object.  

The logic flow is as follows:

  1. Create ("instantiate") a Connection object. To instantiate the object, call XOInstance(), passing the connection name.  If successful, the connection "handle", a nonzero number, is returned in hXO. Calling XOInstance() is the equivalent, in code, of the NWIND connection object we created in the Client/Server workspace. The code is as follows:

    hXO = XOInstance('NWIND')
  2. Instantiate a Query object. After we have a handle to the Connection object, we can use it to create a Query object. This is done using QryInstance(). If successful, the query handle will be a nonzero number, returned in hQry. The code is as follows:

    hQry = QryInstance(hXO)
  3. Execute the Query. The query handle can be used to execute the query. To execute a "method" (function), use QryMethod(). The QRY_EXECUTE$ code (equated to 4 in XO_Equates) is used to execute the query. The third parameter is the actual query to execute. The code is shown below:

    flag = QryMethod(hQry, QRY_EXECUTE$, "select companyname from customers order by companyname")
  4. Process the Results. After the query has successfully executed, the rows are available to BASIC+. The QRY_GETROW$ code (equated to 5 in XO_Equates) retrieves the next row from Access. QryMethod() is called with this code, and the results variable is built through a loop.

    row = ""
    results = ""
      flag = QryMethod(hQry, QRY_GETROW$, row)
      while flag
        results<-1> = row
  5. Destroy the Query and Connection Objects, and populate the combo box. To prevent memory problems, the query and connection objects must be destroyed after use. The QRY_DESTROY$ code (equated to 1 in XO_Equates) passed to QryMethod() instructs the server to destroy the Query object. The XO_DESTROY$ code (also equated to 1 in XO_Equates) passed to XOMethod() instructs the server to destroy the Connection object, closing the connection. The Set_Property() call sets the LIST property of the combo box, populating it with the results of the query.

    QryMethod(hQry, QRY_DESTROY$)
    rv = Set_Property (@window : '.COMPANIES', 'LIST', results)
    XOMethod(hXO, XO_DESTROY$)