Compile Insert XO_Equates
* Basic+ functions
declare function XOGetCompDef       ;* body = (DataSourceName, [DataSourceType])
declare function XOInstance         ;* hXO = (DataSourceName, [DataSourceType, LoginID, Password, Timeout, Options, Scope])
declare function XOMethod           ;* flag = (hXO, MethodName [, Param1, ...])
declare function XOGetProperty      ;* flag = (hXO, PropertyName, RetValue [, Qualifier])
declare function XOSetProperty      ;* flag = (hXO, PropertyName, Value, [, Qualifier])
declare function QryInstance        ;* hQry = (hXO)
declare function QryMethod          ;* flag = (hQry, MethodName [, Param1, ...])
declare function QryGetProperty     ;* flag = (hQry, PropertyName, RetValue [, Qualifier])
declare function QrySetProperty     ;* flag = (hQry, PropertyName, Value, [, Qualifier])
* by declaring the Connection functions as subroutines, the return value can be ignored
declare subroutine XOGetProperty , XOSetProperty , XOMethod
declare subroutine QryGetProperty, QrySetProperty, QryMethod
* Repository constants
equ XO_TABLE$                to "SYSREPOSDATASOURCES"
equ XO_TYPE$                 to "DATASOURCE"
equ XO_CLASS$                to "CONNECTION"
* XO parameter information
equ XO_PARM_FILE$            to "SYSENV"
equ XO_PARM_KEY$             to "CFG_CONNECTION"
equ XO_DATASOURCETYPES$      to 1    ;* @vm delimited list of all supported Data Source Types
equ XO_ATTRIBUTES$           to 2    ;* for each Data Source Type, @svm delimited list of attribute names
equ XO_ATTRIBDESC$           to 3    ;* a short description for each attribute name
equ XO_DATASOURCETYPESUB$    to 4    ;* a function that performs datasource specific tasks
* options for XOInstance()
equ XO_USETRANS$             to 0    ;* use transactions (default)
equ XO_NOTRANS$              to 1    ;* do not use transactions
equ XO_NOSHARE$              to 0    ;* do not share XO (default)
equ XO_SCOPEDSHARE$          to 2    ;* share only within the specified scope
equ XO_GLOBALSHARE$          to 4    ;* share globally (anyone can use it)
equ XO_LOGINDIALOG$          to 0    ;* if login fails, allow entry of login ID and password (default)
equ XO_NODIALOG$             to 8    ;* if login fails, just return error
equ XO_ONLYDIALOG$           to 16   ;* don't attempt to log in without allowing the user to enter connection data
equ XO_RESOLVE$              to 0    ;* attempt to fill in blank connection parms (default)
equ XO_NORESOLVE$            to 32   ;* do not attempt to fill in blank connection parms
* connection methods
equ XO_DESTROY$              to 1    ;* destroy passed XO
equ XO_TRANSLATEFLAG$        to 2    ;* Param1 is a DS/XO API FLAG, returns TRUE$=success or FALSE$=failure
equ XO_GETERROR$             to 3    ;* Retrieves pending errors for the Connection Object
equ XO_COMMITTRAN$           to 4    ;* commits the current transaction
equ XO_ROLLBACKTRAN$         to 5    ;* rolls back the current transaction
equ XO_ADDREF$               to 6    ;* add reference to Connection Object handle
equ XO_METHOD_MIN$           to XO_DESTROY$
equ XO_METHOD_MAX$           to XO_ADDREF$
* connection properties
equ XO_VALID$                to 1    ;* TRUE$ if Connection Object handle is valid
equ XO_QRYLIST$              to 2    ;* @vm delimited list of Query handles for the Connection Object handle
equ XO_DSLIST$               to 3    ;* @vm delimited list of DataSet handles for the Connection Object handle
equ XO_SOURCENAME$           to 4    ;* data source name
equ XO_SOURCETYPE$           to 5    ;* data source type
equ XO_TABLELIST$            to 6    ;* list of data source tables (Arg=TableTypes)
equ XO_TABLEDESCRIPT$        to 7    ;* returns column descriptions for the specified table (Arg=TableName)
equ XO_TRANSACTIONS$         to 8    ;* returns boolean (TRUE=transactions specified)
equ XO_OPTIONS$              to 9    ;* returns bitmasked options as passed to XOInstance()
equ XO_SCOPE$                to 10   ;* returns scope of connection as passed to XOInstance()
equ XO_INTERNALHANDLE$       to 11   ;* returns internal handle used by connection object
equ XO_TYPEQUOTED$           to 12   ;* returns information on which types are quoted; @fm-delim'd array indexed by DT_... values (see DSXO_API insert)
equ XO_QUOTECHAR$            to 13   ;* returns the character used to quote data, eg. '
equ XO_QUOTEDQUOTE$          to 14   ;* returns the quote character as it appears if it is quoted, eg. '' or \'
equ XO_NULLVALUE$            to 15   ;* returns value used to specify null value, eg. NULL
equ XO_FORMATDATETIME$       to 16   ;* returns formats for date (field 1), time (field 2), and datetime (field 3) using strftime() notation (see DSXO_API)
equ XO_PROPERTY_MIN$         to XO_VALID$
* query methods
equ QRY_DESTROY$             to 1    ;* destroy passed query
equ QRY_TRANSLATEFLAG$       to 2    ;* Param1 is a DS/XO API FLAG, returns TRUE$=success or FALSE$=failure
equ QRY_GETERROR$            to 3    ;* Retrieves pending errors for the query
equ QRY_EXECUTE$             to 4    ;* exectes a script
equ QRY_GETROW$              to 5    ;* gets the next result row
equ QRY_CANCEL$              to 6    ;* cancels the query
equ QRY_LISTTABLES$          to 7    ;* create result set of tables (Arg1=TableTypes)
equ QRY_LISTCOLUMNS$         to 8    ;* create result set of columns (Arg1=Table)
equ QRY_METHOD_MIN$          to QRY_DESTROY$
* query properties
equ QRY_VALID$               to 1    ;* returns TRUE$ if handle is valid
equ QRY_CONNECTION$          to 2    ;* connection handle for the query
equ QRY_ROWCOUNT$            to 3    ;* number of rows in query
equ QRY_COLCOUNT$            to 4    ;* number of columns in query
equ QRY_COLDESCRIPT$         to 5    ;* column name, type, precision, scale, nullable, and OI type (Arg=iCol)
equ QRY_COLNAME$             to 6    ;* column name (Arg=iCol)
equ QRY_COLTYPE$             to 7    ;* column type (Arg=iCol)
equ QRY_COLPRECISION$        to 8    ;* column precision (Arg=iCol)
equ QRY_COLSCALE$            to 9    ;* column scale (Arg=iCol)
equ QRY_COLNULLABLE$         to 10   ;* column nullable (Arg=iCol)
equ QRY_COLOITYPE$           to 11   ;* column OpenInsight type (Arg=iCol)
equ QRY_TIMEOUT$             to 12   ;* timeout in seconds
* datasource type functions
* flag = fn(Instruction, In, Out, Arg )
declare function ODBC_Sub
declare function SQLServer_Sub
* instructions for datasource type function
equ DST_HASOPTIONS$  to 1    ;* in = xo_attribute, out = true if it has options
equ DST_CHOOSEOPTION$        to 2    ;* in = xo_attribute, out = chosen option, arg = current setting
equ DST_INSERTFROMSELECT$    to 3    ;* take a SELECT script and return an INSERT script
equ DST_UPDATEFROMSELECT$    to 4    ;* take a SELECT script and return an UPDATE script
equ DST_DELETEFROMSELECT$    to 5    ;* take a SELECT script and return an DELETE script
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