An item's swatch position.


Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.ItemSwatchPosition[key]", OptionValue)


OptionValue can be set to one of the following valid options:

LeftLShow the swatch to the left of the text
RightRShow the swatch to the right of the text

Default: Left


keyAn item's unique key


The ItemSwatchPosition property establishes whether an item's swatch appears to the left of the text or the right. A swatch is a patch of color that can be used to associate an item to a color. By default, this property is set to "Left", but you can set it to "Right."

TIP: Use the DefSwatchPosition property to set the default check box setting for new items.


// Make the swatches appear to the right of all items 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_TREE", "OLE.ItemSwatchPosition[All]", "Right")

See Also


  • No labels