All the day of the week names in a given locale.

Name = SRP_Date("DayOfWeekNames", NameLength = "Full", Locale = "")


The human readable names for all the days of the week.


NameLengthHow the names are to be returned: options are "Full", "Abbreviated", and "Shortest". (OPTIONAL)
LocaleA locale for culture specific names. (OPTIONAL)


The "DayOfWeekNames" service retrieves the cultural specific names for all the days of the week in an @FM delimited array, with Monday being in position <1> and Sunday being in position <7>. The actual values returned depends on two factors: NameLength and Locale. NameLength can be on of three options: "Full" returns the full names, "Abbreviated" returns the commonly used abbreviations, and "Shortest" returns the shortest possible names without being ambiguous. Locale is the locale name used to target a specific language.


// Get the full names in the local culture
Names = SRP_Date("DayOfWeekNames")

// Get the abbreviated names in the local culture
Names = SRP_Date("DayOfWeekNames", "Abbreviated")

// Get the abbreviated names in Spain
Names = SRP_Date("DayOfWeekNames", "Abbreviated", "es-ES")

// Get the shortest names in France
Names = SRP_Date("DayOfWeekNames", "Shortest", "fr-FR")
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