Returns the sign of a value.
Result = SRP_Math("SIGN", Value, "", DecimalPlaces, ScientificNotation)
The sign of Value.
The SIGN operation returns the sign of Value. If Value is negative, then -1 is returned. If Value is positive and greater than zero, then 1 is returned. If Value is exactly equal to zero, then 0 is returned.
// Get the sign of PI Val = "3.1415926535897932384626433832795" Result = SRP_Math("SIGN", Val) !! Result = 1 !!
// Get the sign of -PI Val = "-3.1415926535897932384626433832795" Result = SRP_Math("SIGN", Val) !! Result = -1 !!
// Get the sign of 0 Result = SRP_Math("SIGN", 0) !! Result = 0 !!