Once you have verified that you have all of the SRP FrameWorks components, please follow these installation instructions in the order that they are given. This will ensure that the final product will have everything required in order to launch successfully.
Creating the FRAMEWORKS Application
The core SRP FrameWorks entities need to be installed into an OpenInsight application labelled as FRAMEWORKS. Ordinarily, the FRAMEWORKS application will have default inheritance (i.e., SYSPROG), but this is not a requirement. The purpose of the FRAMEWORKS application is to be a platform from which other applications inherit from. Thus, it works very much like SYSPROG. That is, it sits underneath the production application, providing the foundation for the various SRP FrameWorks core features. If you need assistance in how to create an OpenInsight application please contact us on our Discussion forum.
We recommend that changes to the core SRP FrameWorks entities be made in the local application, thus preserving the original entities in case they are needed again. Furthermore, it will be easier to upgrade various SRP FrameWorks components by allowing the core entities to remain in their original state.
Occasionally, developers do not have the luxury of creating a FRAMEWORKS application that can be used as a parent to a local application. If this is your situation, please contact us through our support email account and we will try to help you with a different approach.
Creating a Default OpenInsight User
End users will access SRP FrameWorks based applications through its own proprietary security system. Therefore, it is not necessary to create unique OpenInsight users with the Database Manager tool. We recommend creating a generic (aka default) OpenInsight user, with only "User" access level, and with no password. For simplicity, SRP generally uses USER as the default user name. Application shortcuts (or the SRP Application Launcher configuration file) will pass through this username when launching OINSIGHT.exe, thus bypassing the default OpenInsight login screen.
All SRP tools and ActiveX controls are licensed to one or more OpenEngine serial numbers. Simply copy the SRPLicense.dll file into your OpenInsight application folder to avoid any licensing conflicts. If this is missing, or if an invalid SRP license file is being used, an evaluation message will appear like this one:
If additional SRP products are purchased, the SRPLicense.dll file will be updated accordingly. All licensed products that come with SRP FrameWorks are governed by our licensing policy, including the need to renew the license if upgrades and support after one year is desired.
SRP ActiveX Controls Pro
Technically , the SRPControls.ocx file can be stored anywhere. However, modern versions of Microsoft Windows (e.g., Windows Vista or newer) that utilize User Account Control will find it difficult, if not impossible, to register ActiveX controls on a networked drive. Furthermore, placing registered controls in a shared folder causes other problems, such as unintentional locking of files. This prohibits upgrading controls until the all sessions that have the file locked are closed.
Therefore we recommend installing the SRPControls.ocx file into a designated local folder on each client's system. Since this uses ActiveX technology, it must be registered on each client machine. Your network or IT department might have deployment utilities for automating this. Otherwise, to manually register them you must use RegSvr32.exe from a command prompt like this:
REGSVR32 C:\Windows\OLE\SRPControls.ocx
A successful registration will result in a window like this:
If the wrong path or filename is specified in the registration command, an error message like this will appear:
Also, if this version of Windows requires User Account Control, the "Run as administrator" option will need to be invoked prior to the registration command being executed. Failing to do so might cause this error message to appear:
Core Database Tables
In order to run in its default configuration, SRP FrameWorks requires that four provided database tables (USERS, GROUPS, HELP, and APPINFO) be attached to the application. Simply unzip the file contents into an empty folder (we recommend creating a folder called AppData underneath the OpenInsight application folder, e.g. F:\OInsight\AppData). Then use the Database Manager to Add these tables.
After the tables have been added, be sure to save the Database Definition so that these tables will be available for future sessions. Also, note that these tables are keyed to the GLOBAL application so they can be accessed easily from any other application. Once SRP FrameWorks is properly installed and functional, the system can be redesigned so that these database tables are renamed or absorbed into other database tables as needed.
FrameWorks RDK
The can be unzipped into any empty folder and installed using the RDKInstall function. Remember, these entities are keyed to the FRAMEWORKS application.
If installing SRP FrameWorks into an existing development environment, we recommend that you backup your current system before proceeding. SRP FrameWorks will install entities (i.e. Forms, Stored Procedures, Popups, Messages, etc.) into your local environment that might have the same name. Additionally, SRP FrameWorks installs a suite of local promoted event handlers.
Creating an Entry Point
Once the SRP FrameWorks RDK has been installed, open the Application Properties dialog from the OpenInsight File menu. Set the Entry Point to FRW_MAIN:
Close OpenInsight and launch it again. This will make sure the program and event stack caches are cleared.
SRP Product Installers
Finally, the SRP Application Launcher, SRP Editor, and SRP Utilities should be installed using the software installers downloaded from our site. This process is very easy. Just launch each installer, one at a time, and specify the OpenInsight application folder in the Destination Folder when prompted:
The SRP Editor installer will optionally install the SRP Utilities at the same time. Therefore, it is not necessary to re-install the SRP Utilities. Installing the SRP Editor is not necessary, but the SRP Utilities are a requirement for SRP FrameWorks to run properly.
Creating the Local (Production) Application
As commented above, the FRAMEWORKS application is meant to be where the core, and unmodified, entities should reside. Another application will need to be created for the target end user. This should be handled in the ordinary way except that the application should inherit from FRAMEWORKS rather than Default Inheritance, as shown in this example:
Once this application has been created, it should already have the core SRP FrameWorks database tables attached. If not, then add them to this application using the same instructions provided above.
Finally, as with the FRAMEWORKS application, make sure to set FRW_MAIN as the application Entry Point. This will be test launched in the next article.