Fired when a user checks or unchecks a check box control.


ControlThe key of the check box that was clicked
NewValueThe check box control's new value


The OnCheckBoxCheck event is fired when the user clicks on a check box. The key of the clicked control is provided in the first parameter and the second parameter contains the check box's new value.


Begin Case
   Case Event EQ "OnCheckBoxCheck"
       ControlKey = Param1
       NewValue = Param2
       Begin Case
           Case ControlKey EQ "CHB_SHOW_PANEL"
               If NewValue then
                   GoSub ShowPanel
               end else
                   GoSub HidePanel
           Case ControlKey EQ "CHB_ENABLE_CTRL"
               Set_Property(@Window:".MY_CONTROL", "ENABLED", NewValue)
       End Case
End Case
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