Applies to
Window, Pushbutton, Edit line, Edit Box, ComboBox, ListBox, Edit table.
A boolean property that lets the operating system know if a user can drag files from the Operating System shell to the OpenInsight form or control. When True, the DROPFILES event is raised when a file is dropped onto the control.
canDrop = Get_Property( objectname, "ACCEPTDROPFILES" ) couldDrop = Set_Property(objectname, "ACCEPTDROPFILES", bValue )
Values passed in Set_Property():
Value | Description |
bValue | Boolean true (1) or false (0) |
Values returned by Get_Property and Set_Property
Value | Description |
canDrop | The Boolean status of the control’s ability to accept a DROPFILES event. |
couldDrop | The Boolean status of the control’s ability to accept a DROPFILES event, when Set_Property was run. |
Declare function Get_Property, Set_Property /* retrieve the ACCEPTDROPFILES property of an editline control and if true set to false and vice versa. */ equ TRUE$ to 1 equ FALSE$ to 0 fileControl = @window : ".EDT_FILES" canDrop = Get_Property(fileControl, "ACCEPTDROPFILES") if canDrop then shouldDrop = false$ end else shouldDrop = true$ end couldDrop = Set_Property(fileControl, "ACCEPTDROPFILES", shouldDrop)