Once the OECGI4 is properly installed, you'll need to make a few minor changes to the registry settings on the web server where OECGI4 is located for the SRP HTTP Framework to operate properly. The registry changes instruct OECGI how to reach and make requests to the OEngineServer service.
Location of Registry Changes
The path to the configuration will depend on whether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system and are using the 32-bit or 64-bit version of OECGI4.exe. Please use the chart below to determine the registry path for the OECGI4 configuration.
OS | OECGI | Path |
32-bit | 32-bit | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI4 |
64-bit | 32-bit | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\RevSoft\OECGI4 |
32-bit | 64-bit | not supported |
64-bit | 64-bit | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI4 |
Tip: OECGI4 for OpenInsight 10.x and the official OECGI4 for OpenInsight 9.x is 64-bit and will not have WOW6432Node in the registry path.
At the time this documentation was written there was a 32-bit version of OECGI4 for use with the HTTP Framework so please double check your OECGI4 release.
Required Settings
Here are the key/value pairs (new key/values or values different from the default are in bold):
Obviously, the UserName, WorkingDirectory, and ApplicationName values should be modified to suit your environment.
The ProcedureName value normally refers to the RUN_OECGI_REQUEST
stored procedure. This should now refer to HTTP_MCP
(a procedure that ships with the SRP HTTP Framework) in order to properly handle RESTful HTTP requests.
The AdditionalValues value is how the OECGI is taught to look for HTTP request header fields that it does not monitor by default. These header fields are not required but they are commonly used. If HTTP Basic Authentication will be used (since it is a common form of authentication with REST APIs), then HTTP_AUTHORIZATION
is necessary.
Example Registry Files
The example registry files below can be used to add or replace your existing registry values.
64-bit OS and 64-bit OECGI4
64-bit OS and 32-bit OECGI4