The SRP HTTP Framework requires four components to be installed: the SRP Control Pro and License, the SRP Utilities Library, the Deployment Package, and the Database Tables. Please review the following instructions to ensure a smooth installation process.
1. SRP Controls Pro and License
To enable rich user interface functionality with the two primary forms that ship with the SRP HTTP Framework, we will provide a license to use the SRP Controls Pro (SRPControls.ocx). Please download the latest version from the SRP Controls Pro product information page and install and register the OCX file as normal. The license filename will differ (it depends on your business or application name) but it will have an extension of .srplic. License files should be copied into your OpenInsight folder. Note: the SRP Controls Pro is not needed for the RESTful API functionality it self, but only for running the NDW_HTTP_FRAMEWORK_SETUP and NDW_WEB_ACCOUNTS OpenInsight forms.
2. Installing the SRP Utilities Library
Much of the SRP HTTP Framework is built upon our library of high performance utilities. These are available as freeware and can be downloaded from our SRP Utilities product information page. Make sure you install the one suited for your version of OpenInsight. If you already have the SRP Utilities installed, check the Properties of the SRPUtilities.dll file in your OpenInsight folder and verify that it is version 2.1.0 or later.
3. Installing the Deployment Package
The SRP HTTP Framework ships as a standard deployment (aka RDK) package, usually in .zip format. The name of the compressed file should be (where 4.0.6 would be the current version of the product).
By default, all entities in the deployment are keyed to the FRAMEWORKS application. You may have made special arrangements to re-key the entities to another application. If not and if this is required, please contact us at before installing the package.
Installation is as simple as placing the uncompressed deployment files into an empty folder and running the RDKInstall routine to install the entities (e.g., from the System Monitor enter RUN RDKINSTALL "C:\HTTPFrameworkRDK"
Once this is done, you are ready to attached the database tables.
4. Installing the Database Tables
The SRP HTTP Framework ships with two database tables: CONTACTS and WEB_ACCOUNTS. These are typically provided as .LK/.OV files in a compressed file called Also included in this compressed file is a sub-folder called ContactPictures. This includes several portrait images that correspond with the data in the CONTACTS table.
We recommend placing the uncompressed files into a separate folder, like WebAppData, directly underneath your OpenInsight folder. These tables are keyed to the GLOBAL database so they should be easy to attach using the Database Manager. Once they have been attached we also recommend saving the database so that the application will remember to attach these tables whenever it is launched.
The CONTACTS database table includes data that will be accessed by the sample Contacts web API that ships with the SRP HTTP Framework.
The WEB_ACCOUNTS table is used by the SRP HTTP Framework to authenticate API requests.
Once you are familiar with writing APIs and have other tables that are being accessed, you can remove the CONTACTS table from your environment. The WEB_ACCOUNTS table should be kept unless or until you employ an alternative form of authentication.