
The TEXTCOL message is used to send columnar text to the printer. First set the column lengths and column headers with the HEADER message. The column text is separated with @VM and the row text is separated with @FM. The font can be changed with the FONT message. The columnar text is printed at the current position.

Note: The ADDTABLE message should be used in place of all TABLE and TEXTCOL messages.


ParameterDescription of FieldsCommentsDefault
Parm1 - ColText<1> Column Text@FM delimiter between rows, and @VM delimiter between columns""

See also



/* The following example shows how to use the TEXTCOL message. */
declare function Set_Printer
stat = Set_Printer("INIT") ;* Start printing
header = "This is the main Header Page 'P''X'"
colLen = "2,2,2"
colHeader = "Col1,Col2,Col3"
colText = "111,222,333/aaa,bbb,ccc/AAA,BBB,CCC"
* Convert delimiters
convert "," to @fm in colLen ; convert "," to @vm in colHeader
convert "," to @vm in colText ; convert "/" to @fm in colText
* Set the column lengths and header
stat = Set_Printer("HEADER", header, colLen, colHeader)
stat = Set_Printer("TEXTCOL", colText) ;* Print columnar text
stat = Set_Printer("TERM") ;* End printing
  • No labels