
The TEXT message is used to send standard text to the printer. Use @FM to separate multiple lines of text. The font that is set with the FONT message will be used for printing by the TEXT message. The text that is printed will automatically perform word wrapping at the end of the line and at the @FM delimiter. Use the INIT message to adjust the margins of the printable area. To print a blank line do not pass the TextString parameter or set the TextString parameter to NULL. A page break is automatically sent at the end of the page.


ParameterDescription of FieldsCommentsDefault
Parm1 - TextString<1> TextString"Text String" - @FM between lines""

See also



/* The following example shows how to use the TEXT message to print three lines of text. */
declare function Set_Printer
stat = Set_Printer("INIT") ;* Start printing
text = "This is line 1,This is the second line,Last line"
convert "," to @fm in text ;* Use @FM delimiter
stat = Set_Printer("TEXT", text) ;* Print 3 lines of text
stat = Set_Printer("TERM") ;* End printing
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