OpenInsight uses a type-less programming language, and SRP has designed the SRP OLE Controls to fit neatly into the BASIC+ environment. Still, types can be useful in communicating what information is acceptable to a certain OLE control property. Therefore, SRP documents the type of information a property accepts. This is a useful way to provide a single place to document common property values that appear in many properties across many controls.



BooleanStatic and dynamic color values.
ColorFlat color options based on RGB, HSL, or named colors.
Color FillSimple and complex fill patterns.
DecimalPositive or negative, whole or fractional numbers.
FontMultivalues describing a font pattern.
Formatted StringString data in a pre-defined format.
ImageStructure defining location and behavior of images.
IntegerPositive or Negative, Whole numbers.
MultivalueMultiple delimited values.
OptionString data accepting data only from a list of pre-defined values.
TextString data.
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