Use anywhere a statement is required, but where you want nothing to happen.
Consider the following example.
If FICA = MAX Then Null Else GoSub CALC_FICA
If the current value of FICA is equal to the value of MAX, no action is taken, and program control proceeds, in effect, to the statement after this line. If FICA is not equal to MAX, control transfers to the CALC_FICA subroutine.
* If no CHRG exists on the file INV, no action is taken. Read CHRG From INV, key Else Null /* If the current value of BAL is not zero, the Else statement is executed; the program branches to balance_due. If the balance is zero, control passes to the next sequential statement past the End. */ if BAL = 0 Then Null Else GoSub balance_due End