Passes the control to the next event in the event chain.
Forward_Event ([param1, ...param20])
The Forward_Event subroutine allows the current event to be passed to the next event handler in the current chain. This enables an event handler to implement some processing both before and after the remainder of the event chain.
Note that you do not have to pass ctrlentID and ctrlclassID into Forward_Event because it already knows what event it is processing, however you have to pass all other parameters that were passed into the event. Use Get_EventStatus() to retrieve the status of remainder of the event chain after Forward_Event returns.
See also
Get_EventStatus(), Send_Event(), Set_EventStatus(), Post_Event()
function Close(CtrlEntID, CtrlClassID, CancelFlag) declare subroutine Forward_Event, MessageBeep *let the rest of the event chain execute Forward_Event(CancelFlag) * if the window closed, beep if Get_Property(CtrlEntID, "HANDLE") else MessageBeep(16) end *returning False stops the chain at this point return 0