
The CALCMAXLEN message is used to calculate the maximum number of characters that will fit within the specified size. Use the Get_Printer CALCMAXLEN message to retrieve the number of characters that fit within the specified size. This is usefully if you have a limited X area to print text, and you want to pre-calculate how much of the text will fit.


The CALCMAXLEN message uses the Size parameter to find the maximum number of character that will fit within the specified size. If no Size parameter is specified, then the page width is used.


ParameterDescription of FieldsCommentsDefault
Parm1 – Text<1> Text to calculate ""
Parm2 - Size<1> SizeThis is the size to calculate the number of characters from""

See also

Get_Printer CALCMAXLEN Message


* The following example shows how to use the CALCMAXLEN message.
declare function Set_Printer, Get_Printer
stat = Set_Printer("INIT") ;* Start printing
stat = Set_Printer("CALCMAXLEN", "This is a test", 0.5)
size = Get_Printer("CALCMAXLEN") ;* get the max characters
stat = Set_Printer("TERM") ;* End printing
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