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Returns a list of all entities classified under the specified application, type, and class.


entlistt = Get_Repos_Entities (appID, typeID, classID, Integer [getflags] [, expand] [, remote] [, moreinfo])


The Get_Repos_Entities function has the following parameters.

AppIDApplication identifier. If the parameter is null, the current application and its inheritance chain are included.

Types defined for OpenInsight.

APPNOTEQuickHelp entities.
APPROWThis is a catch-all for rows in the application database tables which need to be tracked for impact analysis and/or deployment reasons.
CONTEXTMENUWindow controls Context Menus.
DATASOURCEA collection of DBComponents.
DBCOLUMNDatabase table column.
DBCOMPONENTA logical collection of properties that define a view of user data. OpenInsight views Lotus Notes forms and views as DBComponents. Datasets created using the C/S Workspace are also DBComponents.
DBCOMPONENTEXEThe compiled versions of the Dataset DBComponent.
DBTABLEDatabase table.
DLLWindows .DLL file.
DOCDocument file, in one of specified classes.
IMAGEFile of image data (.BMP, .ICO, etc.).
MSGPrepared application system message.
NOTESMMEDIALotus provided tools used to generate multimeida records. There are no classes. This type behaves exactly as the WINEXE entity type.
NOTESSMARTLotus provided SmartSuite tools used to generate documents (AmiPro), spreadsheets (Lotus 1-2-3), etc. There are no classes. This type behaves exactly as the WINEXE entity type.
OCXOLE Custom Controls.
OIEVENTOpenInsight Event Handler source code. The class id for each OIEVENT are the Event name. e.g. CLICK, OPTIONS, READ, WRITE.
OIEVENTDBGSymbol table, for event handlers. The class id for each OIEVENT are the Event name. e.g. CLICK, OPTIONS, READ, WRITE.
OIEVENTEXEExecutable version of an event handler. The class id for each OIEVENT are the Event name. e.g. CLICK, OPTIONS, READ, WRITE.
OIREPORTReport from OpenInsight Report Builder.
OIWINCode form of an OpenInsight window.
OIWINEXEExecutable form of an OpenInsight window.
OSFILEOperating system file.
POPUPExecutable form of an OpenInsight popup.
STPROCStored procedure, code.
STPROCDBGSymbol table, for stored procedure.
STPROCEXEExecutable stored procedure.
STPROCINSInsert table, for stored procedure code.
WINEXEWindows .EXE file.
WINHELPWindows Help file.

Valid classIDs are:

DATASOURCECONNECTION is a set of attributes used to connect to Client/Server data.

NOTESDB is a Lotus Notes database).

DBCOMPONENTDATASET is a data model used to work with Client/Server Data.

NOTESAGENT is a registered Lotus Notes V4.0 agent. NOTESFOLDER is a registered Lotus Notes V4.0 folder. NOTESFORM is a registered Lotus Notes form. NOTESMACRO is a registered Lotus Notes V3.0 maro. NOTESVIEW is a registered Lotus Notes database view.

DOCThe class id is the name of the Windows executable used to access the document. Provided class IDs are:








New document classes can be added by simply adding to the SYSREPOSCLASSES table. The DOC type-level method logic will automatically call the related program.

IMAGEBMP (bitmap).

ICO (icon).

OIREPORTBRWLAYOUT (Banded Report Writer layout).

RBLAYOUT (Report Builder report layout).

RBLABEL (Report Builder label layout).

BRDLAYOUT (Report Designer report layout).

RDQUERY (Report Designer query).


The default is false. If set to true, returns repository entities along with flags in an @SVM-delimited array of literals:

S1State 1.
S0State 0.
expandThe default is true. If set to false, returns only entity names (as opposed to fully qualified entity identifiers).
remoteThe default is false. If set to true uses remote (check-out) repository.
moreinfoUsed when the list exceeds 64K. Set in calling procedure the first time call is made, then used internally by Get_Repos_Entities to control which 64K block of the list is retrieved. When the full list has been retrieved, set to null. (See the example below.)

Note: This parameter is obsolete in OpenInsight versions 4 and above. Pass a null value to this parameter. The 64k limit has been removed.

See also



* Count the number of OpenInsight windows in the current application.
Declare Function Get_Repos_Entities
AppID = @APPID<1>  ;* current application
TypeID = "OIWIN"  ;* OpenInsight Windows
ClassID = ""  ;* Not Applicable
MoreInfo = ""
SubList = Get_Repos_Entities(AppID, TypeID, ClassID, "", "", "", "")
numEntities = dCount(SubList, @fm)
* Count the number of OpenInsight windows in the current application,
* as well as the applications it has been inherited from.
AppID = ""
TypeID = "OIWIN"  ;* OpenInsight Windows
ClassID = ""  ;* Not Applicable
MoreInfo = ""
SubList = Get_Repos_Entities(AppID, TypeID, ClassID, "", "", "", "")
numEntities = dCount(SubList, @fm)
* For use with 16-bit systems
Declare Function Get_Repos_Entities
AppID = @APPID<1>  ;* current application
TypeID = "OIWIN"  ;* OpenInsight Windows
ClassID = ""  ;* Not Applicable
MoreInfo = 1
CNT = 0
  SubList = Get_Repos_Entities(AppID, TypeID, ClassID,|
                                "", "", "", MoreInfo)
  If Len(SubList) Then
    CNT = (SubList, @FM) +1
While Len(MoreInfo)
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