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Creates, removes, or updates a combo box drop down.


Code Block
Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.Combo[CtrlId]", Array)


Array has the following structure:

<1>Show Combo Drop DownBooleanFlag indicating whether or not combo box drop down exists0
<2, 1>Columns ListMultivalue@TM delimited list of column headings""
<2, 2>Column Settings ListMultivalue@TM delimited list of column settings""
<2, 3>DataMultivalueCombo box data""
<2, 4>Master ColumnIntegerThe column containing the return values1
<2, 5>AutofillBooleanIf true, then autofill is enabled1
<2, 6>Case Sensitive AutofillBooleanIf true, then autofill is case sensitive0
<2, 7>Number of Visible RowsIntegerThe number of viewable rows at a time0
<2, 8>Fire OnOptionClickBooleanIf true, fire the OnOptionClick when the user presses the drop down button0
<2, 9>Filtered AutofillBooleanIf true, reduce the list to only those items that partially match the current contents1
<2,10>Show Drop Down ImmediatelyBooleanIf true, shows the drop down as soon as the user enters the control1
<2, 11>LIST FormatBooleanIf true, then the Data is in LIST format instead of ARRAY format0
<2,12>Autofill Column(s)IntegerThe column(s) against which autofill is performedMaster Column
<2,13>Hide When EmptyBooleanIf true, then the dropdown hides when the user clears the editline0
<2,14>Normal NavigationBooleanIf true, then the up/down/pgup/pgdown keys move the editline cursor when the drop down is hidden0
<2,15>Show Only When EmptyBooleanIf true and Show Immediately is true, then the dropdown only shows immediately when the editline's contents are empty0
<2,16>No Show AutofillBooleanIf true, then the drop down does not appear during autofill0
<2,17>Clear Selection on Backspace or DeleteBooleanIf true, then the currently selected drop down item will be deselected when the user presses backspace or delete0
<2,18>Show Popup While Read OnlyBooleanIf true, then the user can click the drop down button and select an item but still cannot type in the cell0
<2,19>Show Popup While NavigatingBooleanIf true and Normal Navigation is false, then pressing up/down/pgup/pgdown shows the popup0
<2,20>Always Tab Out on EnterBooleanIf true, then pressing Enter will tab out of the cell even if the drop down was visible1
<2,21>Dropdown ThresholdIntegerThe number of rows, at minimum, that must be visible within the dropdown for it to appear below the cell0
<2,22>Dropdown FontFontThe font used to render the drop down itemsTahoma, 8pt
<2,23>Limit to ListBooleanDetermines if the editline's contents must be limited to the values in the dropdown.0
<2,24>Match AnywhereBooleanDetermines if autofill will also match what you type to any substrings within text, instead of just at the beginning of it.0


CtrlIdIdentifies a subclassed control



The Combo property can be used to add an efficient and feature rich combo box drop down to an OI EDITLINE control. The user interacts with the drop down just as if it were an OI COMBOBOX control. Whenever you turn this property on, the OptionButton is set to 1 to show an option button. The option button is then used to show the drop down.

The Columns List parameter is an @TM delimited list of header captions. Leave this blank if you don't want column headers to appear at all.

The Column Settings List parameter lets you specify column alignment and width; it's an @TM delimited list of these values, and each element of the list has the structure Alignment:@STM:Width. The alignment sets the column's data justification and can be "Left", "Center", or "Right". You can optionally use "L", "C", and "R" respectively. The width can be used to limit the width of a column (if you expect it to contain long strings of data). If you want your columns to be autowidth, omit the Fixed Width. If you want your columns to dynamically resize during filtered autofill, set the width to "Dynamic" or "DYN".

The Data parameter is the most important as it establishes the drop down list data. It is just like the OI EDITTABLE ARRAY property except it uses @TM instead of @FM and @STM instead of @VM. There is currently no support for sorting, so you'll have to sort this array before you set it. (See the "LIST Format" parameter below for more information on storting Data).

The Master Column parameter lets you specify which column contains the values that will be placed in the control when the user selects it. This is also the column that the auto fill uses by default (see "Autofill Column" below). To use auto fill, set AutoFill to 1 (although this is 1 by default). Auto fill is case insensitive by default, so set the Case Sensitive Autofill to 1 if you need it.

If you suspect that the combo box will have many rows of data, you may use the Number of Visible Rows parameter to limit the height of the combo box dropdown list. By default, the list fits as many rows as possible without leaving the screen. This parameter however, will limit the maximum height and display a scroll bar for the user.

In some cases, you may want the combo box dropdown to appear during autofill, but you'd rather show a popup window if the user presses the dropdown button. For such cases, set the Fire OnOptionClick parameter to 1 which will fire the OnOptionClick event instead of showing the combo box dropdown list. Note that the user will still see the combo box if they press ALT+DOWN or if it appears when gaining focus (See the "Show Drop Down Immediately" parameter).

The ninth parameter, Filtered Autofill, simply enhances the autofill technology by completely hiding items that do not partially match the current autofill, thus making the list smaller and smaller as the user narrows down the search. This conveniently allows the user to more easily select the closest item, especially if your list is not sorted. When this is turned off, autofill still works, but the list never changes its size. If this is turned on and Autofill is off, then the list still filters down as the user types, but no auto selection or filling occurs.

By default, the drop down appears immediately when the user enters the control. If, however, you only want the dropdown to appear once the user starts typing or pressed ALT+DOWN, then set the Show Immediately parameter to 0. This way, the user only sees the drop down during autofill. If both the Autofill parameter and this one are set to false, then the user must press ALT+DOWN to make the drop down appear.

The LIST Format parameter is a flag allowing you to change how the data array is interpreted. Normally, the third parameter (Data) must be in ARRAY format (@TM delimited columns with @STM delimited rows). By setting this parameter to 1 however, you can pass the Data in LIST Format (@TM delimited rows and @STM delimited columns). This flags also affects the ComboDataproperty. Thus, once you choose the LIST Format, all data interaction is in LIST format.

The Autofill Column(s) parameter allows you to specify which column(s) the autofill is performed against. If omitted, then the autofill column is the same as the Master Column. Set this to one or more columns if you want to allow the user to autofill against something other than the Master Column. This list can be comma delimited or @SVM delimited. The order of this list also determines the order that will columns will be searched during autofill.

The next parameter, Hide When Empty, determines the behavior of the dropdown when the user clears the editline. By default, once the dropdown is visible it remains so until the user leaves the editline or makes a selection. If you'd rather that the dropdown hides when the user clears the editline, then set this parameter to true. This only has an effect if autofill with filtering is enabled.

The Normal Navigation parameter determines how to respond to navigation keys. By default, the up, down, pgup, and pgdown keys make the drop down appear and allow you to navigate the drop down. If you set this parameter to true, then these keys will only navigate the drop down when it is already visible. Otherwise, they move the cursor in the editline or editbox.

The Show Only When Empty determines when the drop down appears and is only useful when the Show Immediately parameter is true. By default, the drop down will show immediately whenever the editline gets focus. If you set this parameter to true, then the drop down will show immediately only if the editline is empty. This is useful if you want to prompt users for new values.

The No Show Autofill determines whether or not the drop down appears during autofill. Normally, the drop down appears as the user starts to type so they can see the nearest match. If you set this parameter to true, then the drop down will not appear during autofill; the user will have to explicitely show the drop down if they want to see their nearest matches.

The Clear Selection on Backspace or Delete flag determines whether or not the currently selected drop down will be deselected when the user presses the backspace or delete key. This is useful when you need to allow for the possibility that an autofill item might match a master column value. This is usually only needed when the autofill column is different from the master column.

The Show Popup While Read Only flag, when set, allows the user to click the drop down button to show the combo drop down even though the editline is read only. The user can select an item in the list but will be unable to type within the editline to enter custom data. This is useful if you want to limit the user to the combo list.

The Show Popup When Navigating flag, when set to true, causes the combo drop down to appear when the user presses the up, down, pageup, or pagedown keys. This flag only works when Normal Navigation is off.

The Always Tab Out on Enter flag, when set to true, will tab the user to the next control when pressing Enter, even if the drop down was visible. When set to false, pressing Enter while the drop down is visible merely selects the item and keeps focus on the current control, a behavior that better mimicks standard combo box controls. The flag is on by default.

The Dropdown Threshold value allows you to customize the behavior of the dropdown as it approaches the bottom of the screen. The dropdown has the effect of being "squished" between the field and screen bottom until fewer rows than the threshold are visible, in which case the dropdown is moved above the field. By default, the threshold is 3 rows. You can increase or decrease this value as desired. A value of 0 means that the dropdown will not appear above the field until no rows are visible. A value of -1 causes the dropdown to appear above the field as soon as it touches the bottom. In other words, -1 disables the "squish" effect.

The Dropdown Font value determines the font used to render the items in the dropdown list. It does not affect the font used to render the actual editline control.

The Limit to List value determines if the user is prevented from typing anything that does not appear in the dropdown list.

The Match Anywhere value modifies autofill behavior slightly. Normally, as the user types, the typed text is matched against all autofill columns (See value <2, 12> above) to find any strings that begin with the same text. When this is set to 1, however, the typed text is allowed to be found anywhere within a string. When this is enabled, note that autofill will only help the user find matching rows but will not autofill the text in the editline unless the match is at the beginning of a string.


Code Block
// Subclass my editline control first 
CtrlId = @Window:".EDITLINE" 
Handle = Get_Property(CtrlId, "HANDLE") 
rv = Send_Message(@Window:".OLE_SUBCLASS", "OLE.Subclass", Handle, CtrlId) 

// Setup a combo drop down 
FirstNames = "Don"  :@STM:"Paul"    :@STM:"Frank":@STM:"Bob"      :@STM:"Kevin" 
LastNames  = "Bakke":@STM:"Simonsen":@STM:"Tomeo":@STM:"Fernandes":@STM:"Fournier" 
ComboDropDown = "" 
ComboDropDown<1>    = 1 
ComboDropDown<2, 1> = "First Name":@TM:"Last Name" 
ComboDropDown<2, 2> = "L":@STM:100:@TM:"L" 
ComboDropDown<2, 3> = FirstNames:@TM:LastNames 
ComboDropDown<2, 4> = 2                         ;// column 2 contains the values we care about 
ComboDropDown<2, 5> = 1                         ;// auto fill on 
ComboDropDown<2, 6> = 0                         ;// case sensitive off 
ComboDropDown<2, 7> = 10                        ;// 10 visible rows max 
ComboDropDown<2, 8> = 0                         ;// Don't fire the OnOptionClick 
ComboDropDown<2, 9> = 1                         ;// Reduce the list to partial matches 
ComboDropDown<2, 10> = 0                        ;// Only show the drop down when the user types 
ComboDropDown<2, 11> = 0                        ;// Do not use LIST Format 
ComboDropDown<2, 12> = 1                        ;// Autofill on first names 
ComboDropDown<2, 13> = 1                        ;// Hide dropdown when user clears cell 
ComboDropDown<2, 14> = 0                        ;// Let navigation keys show the drop down 
ComboDropDown<2, 15> = 0                        ;// Show the drop down regardless of the contents 
ComboDropDown<2, 16> = 0                        ;// Show the drop down during autofill 
ComboDropDown<2, 17> = 1                        ;// Remove selection when user backspaces/deletes 
ComboDropDown<2, 18> = 0                        ;// Show Popup while in read only mode 
ComboDropDown<2, 19> = 1                        ;// Show Popup When Navigating 
ComboDropDown<2, 20> = 1                        ;// Always Tab Out on Enter 
ComboDropDown<2, 21> = -1                       ;// Always show the dropdown above when close to the screen bottom 

Convert "." to ";" in CtrlId 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_SUBCLASS", "OLE.Combo[":CtrlId:"]", ComboDropDown)

See Also
